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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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Saw an acceptance posted for USF... Jmarti, anything for you yet? Been thinking good thoughts and praying for you!

You did? I've only seen them with dates from 3/6. I haven't heard anything, but someone else posted that we are supposed to get waitlist notifications on 3/29. Right now I'm hoping for anything really.

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Just kidding- I saw the acceptance from today. I still have yet to hear anything. Blah :(


But - if they just let someone else in today, that means you can easily still hear an acceptance, so don't give up hope!  Has UVA still not let in in-fielders?  Why are these schools taking so long!  I am ready to get this figured out!

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But - if they just let someone else in today, that means you can easily still hear an acceptance, so don't give up hope! Has UVA still not let in in-fielders? Why are these schools taking so long! I am ready to get this figured out!

I'm still holding on to hope for dear life! It's just making me absolutely miserable to be heading into the end of March with no news, one way or another. I'm hoping the universe is looking out for me in terms of an acceptance. I am so ready to feel the relief!!!

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But - if they just let someone else in today, that means you can easily still hear an acceptance, so don't give up hope!  Has UVA still not let in in-fielders?  Why are these schools taking so long!  I am ready to get this figured out!


It boggles my mind that some of these schools are taking so long. I think it does a huge disservice to everyone (the applicants *and* the programs).


It's also completely bizarre that UVA notified three-year students almost a month ago but hasn't notified in-field students; in-fielders likely apply to more schools, sometimes have more choices, and have more at stake.

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It boggles my mind that some of these schools are taking so long. I think it does a huge disservice to everyone (the applicants *and* the programs).

It's also completely bizarre that UVA notified three-year students almost a month ago but hasn't notified in-field students; in-fielders likely apply to more schools, sometimes have more choices, and have more at stake.

I have friends who applied to schools with a 3/15 deadline. Imagine how long they will wait, all while receiving deadlines for other programs. Totally insane.

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I have friends who applied to schools with a 3/15 deadline. Imagine how long they will wait, all while receiving deadlines for other programs. Totally insane.


I just...don't get this process. Like, wouldn't it be advantageous for a program to have an earlier deadline and notification cycle?


Do these schools think that most applicants still apply to only one school or something? It makes no sense!

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This is probably a neurotic question, but I'll ask it anyway  :P  I e-mailed USF last week asking how far along the decisions process was, and I never heard back. However, someone else e-mailed 2 days ago and was told that decisions would be sent on 3/29. I know USF does first and second round acceptances, and I assume the first round has been sent.


Does not hearing back via e-mail mean that I am possibly in those second round of acceptances, so they cannot answer my question yet? I feel like if I was waitlisted/denied and notifications for those were being sent on 3/29, they would have no problem telling me that.


I am probably looking far too into it. 

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Just wanted to put this out there, I keep having to telling myself this to: a test like the GRE cannot judge the full intellect of someone. Becoming an SLP requires more than just being to take a standardized test well, it's motivation, dedication, passion, and a love for the field. I have a low GRE score, but I'm not going to give up. I will not let the GRE make me give up on this field. Maybe it's not my time this year, but one day it will be with or without the GRE. Good luck to everyone and if your facing rejections, keep your chin up! You are smart and you can do it!

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jmarti: I think they may have just overlooked your email. I'm sure they've received a huge amount in the last few weeks. But if there's a second round coming up, I firmly believe you're in the running!


Bcjami: The GRE definitely doesn't measure someone's range of intellect and talent. The only reason I give it any credence is because schools seem to care about it, but many SLP programs don't require or expect sky-high numbers, so they realize that being a good SLP involves a lot more than how someone did on a standardized test. I do think a higher GRE can be important for an applicant with a lower GPA, though; it seems to act as a balance.

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jmarti: I think they may have just overlooked your email. I'm sure they've received a huge amount in the last few weeks. But if there's a second round coming up, I firmly believe you're in the running!


True, you are much more rational than I am. I'm still thinking with a stressed out, overwhelmed brain. I can say that since I have been rejected and wait listed, I have stopped obsessing so much. I still hope good things will happen for me, but there's nothing to do but wait.

Thank you for your confidence in me. :)

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True, you are much more rational than I am. I'm still thinking with a stressed out, overwhelmed brain. I can say that since I have been rejected and wait listed, I have stopped obsessing so much. I still hope good things will happen for me, but there's nothing to do but wait.

Thank you for your confidence in me. :)


I'm rational when I'm talking about other people's situations, not my own! :P


I (and many others here) have unwavering confidence in you.

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It boggles my mind that some of these schools are taking so long. I think it does a huge disservice to everyone (the applicants *and* the programs).


It's also completely bizarre that UVA notified three-year students almost a month ago but hasn't notified in-field students; in-fielders likely apply to more schools, sometimes have more choices, and have more at stake.


I totally agree!  I don't understand why the whole process doesn't occur much earlier at all schools.  It really makes no sense.  Ugh!  I'm happy that it seems like a few of y'all are FINALLY done with the process and have picked your schools!  I can't wait for that day!!  I do feel like you need more than a week to make a decision, though, and I don't think I will get much more than that, and I'm sure others will have even LESS time!  It just adds a lot to the stress level.


Jmarti - I am hoping good things for you!  I feel like you have a good shot at UVA or USF, so hang in there.  I know that makes it all the more miserable, just waiting with no news either way, but hopefully you will be in this next round of USF acceptances!!!  Fingers crossed!!!

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I'm rational when I'm talking about other people's situations, not my own! :P


I (and many others here) have unwavering confidence in you.



TOTALLY Agree with this - I am so much better at being rational about other people's situations, but when it comes to myself, I am near meltdown at all times!  At least we have each other!! :)

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Just wanted to put this out there, I keep having to telling myself this to: a test like the GRE cannot judge the full intellect of someone. Becoming an SLP requires more than just being to take a standardized test well, it's motivation, dedication, passion, and a love for the field. I have a low GRE score, but I'm not going to give up. I will not let the GRE make me give up on this field. Maybe it's not my time this year, but one day it will be with or without the GRE. Good luck to everyone and if your facing rejections, keep your chin up! You are smart and you can do it!


This is really important to emphasize. My husband's V/Q were solid despite his years-long problem with severe testing anxiety (you'd think he'd have exposure-therapy'd himself out of the most severe symptoms by now ...!), but he did get a 3.0 on the writing... He's a great writer but a poor typist and ran out of time for revisions after finger-pecking out what he could. It's frustrating that the GRE seems to be used to so methodically weed out otherwise excellent, intelligent applicants! 


Good luck to you, Bcjami! At least there ARE schools that don't consider the GRE the be-all and end-all of applicant metrics. :)

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SLPtoBEweee, I really hope you hear great news from Austin! I know that all of you UT applicants are more than ready for notifications.

Seconded, especially since UT had such an early deadline! I know you're probably going bonkers.

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