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Heard from Berkeley?


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Has anyone in Mechanical Engineering heard from Berkeley at all? I know this question was asked in the Mechanical Engineering thread, but I wanted to "unbury" it so that it was more visible. I haven't heard a peep since I got the automated email saying that they had all my application parts.

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I really want to give them a call, but judging by the results search, that usually results in a reject. :)

I think I may call them though and just mention I'm going to be nearby March 20th, so it would be nice to know if I should stop in for a tour.

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How come you went for civil for Stanford? If you don't mind :)?

I'm interested in alternative energy and I thought the atmosphere/energy program at Stanford fit perfectly with what I wanted. I just wish I would have received funding... :(

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I'm interested in alternative energy and I thought the atmosphere/energy program at Stanford fit perfectly with what I wanted. I just wish I would have received funding... :(

That's too bad.. I'm hoping I'll be in the same predicament as you soon but for ME :P

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I haven't heard from Berkeley either, and I'm worried that no news is bad news. I'm not international, and it's my first choice, but it seems like from last year they're just really slow to give out decisions? Ahh I hate this so much! If anyone's gotten in, do you have any insight? Like how many people they accepted?

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Well I emailed Berkeley about a slightly related issue, and while they didn't exactly answer my original question, they did manage to tell me that all ME admissions decisions will be made by March 27th, so for those of us still waiting, we have 9ish days left before we are guaranteed to have been accepted or not.

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As I understand it, that seems like a pretty good bet. On the other hand, if I get in, I will definitely make a trip out there, and if they say that for people who are M.S. with the intent to pursue a Ph.D. it is fairly easy to get yourself an RA or TA position on your own, then I might be willing to eat a semester of cost just so I can go there. That is all assuming that I get in of course. :)

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Hell if I know. I would assume about the same as anywhere else, but I don't honestly know. I have never been there. I will be asking that sort of thing when I visit if I get in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone else still not heard? I thought there was some talk of decisions on March 27 (this past Friday), but I haven't gotten anything. I'm guessing those of us who haven't heard are on some sort of waitlist, can anyone confirm? This is really screwing with me that I haven't heard yet! Also, what do they expect people to do in terms of visiting (assuming some of us will get in)?

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This is what Berkeley told me about two weeks ago verbatim:

The admissions review process for the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Program for Fall 2009 is nearly complete. Some areas are still in the process of making their final admissions decisions and all admissions decisions will be completed by March 27, 2009.

Applicants will be notified of their admissions status via email soon after March 27, 2009.

We appreciate your patience in the final stages of the admission process.

I still haven't heard either, so it should be literally any second... :(

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I'm in the same boat... haven't heard anything yet.

"soon after March 27, 2009" - so just because they didn't send out results on the 27th doesn't mean much. For what it's worth, if you search for 2008 results on this board, it looks like Berkeley handed out a smattering of acceptances and rejections throughout the last week in March, and then sent the rest of the rejections on April 1st.

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Just called, they're doing the admission decisions "now." I was able to give my name and have them look up my result... unfortunately I was denied, but hopefully a lot of people here will start hearing better news this week!

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Haha, well I would call them and ask as well, but I figure I will just wait for the email so that I can avoid the awkward denial conversation with whoever is on the other end just in case. haha.

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Yup, I'm still waiting to hear from Berkeley. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one!

I'm also still waiting on Penn State, and since I'm an alumni with a decent GPA and I've already been accepted w/ full funding to a "higher rated" school, I have no idea what that's about.

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Well, I decided to call, and no surprise, I'm rejected. The woman on the phone sounded tired of this, but she looked me up even without my ID number or something. I wish they could be a little more forthcoming, since the decision is made, how hard would it have been to send a stupid email??? By the way, it wasn't awkward.

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Well, I decided to call, and no surprise, I'm rejected. The woman on the phone sounded tired of this, but she looked me up even without my ID number or something. I wish they could be a little more forthcoming, since the decision is made, how hard would it have been to send a stupid email??? By the way, it wasn't awkward.

Same sentiment here... I've got other visitations coming up, and obviously 4/15 is fast approaching. I'm glad I called, I recommend that others call as well if you're still trying to narrow down your options and if the info from Berekley will help you with your decision process. Who knows when they'll get around to hitting the "send" button. I'm disappointed at the lack of consideration from their admissions dept, although of course they can do whatever they please, since they have more than enough people willing to hang on their every word as one of the top programs.

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Yeah I am really down to debating whether to call or not, but since everyone who has called has been rejected, I am afraid to do it. I realize that it is not the case, but my irrational subconscious tells me that if I call, I am rejected. haha. And the waiting continues...

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