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Haven't heard from... well, lots of places

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I also wish that Chicago and NYU would just hurry up and send rejections... 

Right? They appear to be done at this point so there's no need to prolong our wait. I'm not expecting anything but rejection from the schools I'm still waiting on (including NYU and Chicago), but it would be nice to know for sure so I can think about my options without hypothetical but unlikely possibilities thrown in.

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Right? They appear to be done at this point so there's no need to prolong our wait. I'm not expecting anything but rejection from the schools I'm still waiting on (including NYU and Chicago), but it would be nice to know for sure so I can think about my options without hypothetical but unlikely possibilities thrown in.


I understand that both of these schools do consolation MAs, so they have extra decisions to make, but I feel like they've been assumed rejections for ions. I don't need another MA. Just reject us!

Edited by asleepawake
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Is anyone else still waiting on Boston University (English PhD)? It looks like they've sent out some acceptances, rejections, and waitlists but I've heard nothing!

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I understand that both of these schools do consolation MAs, so they have extra decisions to make, but I feel like they've been assumed rejections for ions. I don't need another MA. Just reject us!

Looks like Chicago is answering our pleas — I just got the rejection with a consolation MA offer haha.

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Looks like Chicago is answering our pleas — I just got the rejection with a consolation MA offer haha.


I called it I guess! Congrats on the offer!


I haven't heard anything, though. I marked that I wasn't interested in the MA, so regular rejections will probably go out separately... hopefully soon.

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Yeah I don't think I indicated interest in the MA either. It's unfunded, so certainly not getting my attention, though it is a bit nice to be offered anything at all at UChicago, even if it is just to take my money.

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I have no idea what's going on with Indiana because I just received an e-vite to the PhD open house on 3/22. Except I have heard nothing from them since the department secretary told me my application was complete. I'm a bit confused, but I'm guessing I was admitted off a waitlist that I didn't know about... (either that, or I got the invitation by mistake)

Hmm, I didn't get one of these--I wonder if that means that Indiana is a "no" for me. I still haven't heard anything from them. At this point I'm fairly attached to UNC, but I liked Indiana for so many reasons, too.


I'm still waiting on something official from Maryland, Michigan and Penn State... but I'm assuming rejection from all three at this point.

Still waiting to hear from Michigan, too. I get the impression that they haven't sent out most of their rejections yet. Perhaps the ones listed on the results board are some kind of mistake or fluke. I reeeeeeeeeally don't think I was accepted, but it would be nice to receive an official rejection.

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Is anyone else still waiting on Boston University (English PhD)? It looks like they've sent out some acceptances, rejections, and waitlists but I've heard nothing!

Far as I know, Boston has sent out all of its acceptances and wait-lists... I spoke to the graduate director after being wait-listed. Their wait-list isn't ranked, but instead is done via area of interest... so I guess there's a small chance that they have some people on a secondary wait-list, in case the acceptees and wait-listees in that area all turn them down...

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Yeah I don't think I indicated interest in the MA either. It's unfunded, so certainly not getting my attention, though it is a bit nice to be offered anything at all at UChicago, even if it is just to take my money.



I finally got my rejection. Yay. NYU--you're next! Let's do this!

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NYU--you're next! Let's do this!


Not sure, but I think NYU mails out their rejections, which might explain why it's taking them longer. Sticking things in envelopes = slower than pressing "send."

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On another note, did anyone else apply to Carnegie Mellon? Looks like they might be sending out admits this week too...


I'm also anxiously awaiting news from CMU. Hopefully, it will come soon.

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Cactus Ed,

Just got this email from Mike Stamm:


"Decision letters will be going out later this week—






Seeing as they've been accepting via phone...does that mean rejection round 2 letters? 

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Cactus Ed, Just got this email from Mike Stamm:   "Decision letters will be going out later this week—   Best,   Michael"   Seeing as they've been accepting via phone...does that mean rejection round 2 letters? 
I got the same thing... Guess all we can hope for now is waitlist. Does Stamm really need to be so elusive?
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I got the same thing... Guess all we can hope for now is waitlist. Does Stamm really need to be so elusive?

I applied there last year, and he was then as well. They didn't even get their decisions out before 4/15 last year! It was a shitshow.

Anyway, I'm still waiting on something from Maryland, Michigan and Penn State, and I really wish they'd just get it over with.

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I applied there last year, and he was then as well. They didn't even get their decisions out before 4/15 last year! It was a shitshow.

Anyway, I'm still waiting on something from Maryland, Michigan and Penn State, and I really wish they'd just get it over with.


I e-mailed Penn State, just for closure. I was told "We are still in the process of reviewing applications and are (sic) final decisions will not be made until April 15, 2013." 


That reply pissed me off a bit... just tell me I am rejected. I think it's in poor form to make applicants wait until the April 15th deadline. Obviously, I am assuming I am rejected, but I think they would be doing us a better service to just tell us.

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I e-mailed Penn State, just for closure. I was told "We are still in the process of reviewing applications and are (sic) final decisions will not be made until April 15, 2013." 


That reply pissed me off a bit... just tell me I am rejected. I think it's in poor form to make applicants wait until the April 15th deadline. Obviously, I am assuming I am rejected, but I think they would be doing us a better service to just tell us.

Ew, yeah that's obnoxious. Thanks for the info, though.

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Seriously though, Penn State is the worst with this stuff. I think I mentioned somewhere previously that I applied there last year and when I called at the end of March, they were still giving me that "we're still making decisions" nonsense. I think my rejection finally arrived around April 20th. My favorite rejection, though, was from Maryland. They offered me their "consolation" MA in the most terse letter I've ever received, and it was completely riddled with spelling errors. A few hours later I received it again, with a note at the top apologizing for the bad spelling in the first one. Nothing like two rejections from one school in the same day. All this to say that you may NEVER hear from some of these places. If I had known about the results search at the time, I probably would have saved myself a lot of hope.

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I think someone posted about NYU Cinema Studies last year. They got waitlisted, and then simply never heard back until almost September/October.


Fun times. If Penn State is anyone's absolute last hope, then I guess the best you can do is contact an actual professor (perhaps the DGS?).

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Penn State has already sent out waitlist notifications, so I'd assume rejection. I think the board lists MA waitlists, but those are actually PhD waitlists (its an MA program that funnels into the PhD program for students who weren't accepted outright... it's a weird way to do things). 

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