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Haven't heard from... well, lots of places

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FINALLY heard back from Florida. I am "high up on our wait list." I am pretty sure the department thinks someone notified me of this status before today, and that when I was asking about my status, they thought I was asking if there's been movement on the wait list. 


What a disorganized department.

That sounds promising, though! Congrats!

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Thanks. I am going to take a day or two to think it over and reacquaint myself with their program. In all likelihood though, I am going to remove myself from the list in a few days.


You still leaning toward Ohio?

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Do you think it would be rude to email a department and say, can you confirm rejection?


I was JUST considering if I should do this or not. I still have yet to hear from Columbia and Maryland, and I know Columbia sent out a slew of rejections a week or two ago, but nothing since.

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I was JUST considering if I should do this or not. I still have yet to hear from Columbia and Maryland, and I know Columbia sent out a slew of rejections a week or two ago, but nothing since.

Waitlist for Columbia maybe?

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I did just that, but phrased it as "could you give me an idea of when I might expect to hear back on the results of my application?"  If you're rejected, it'll take them all of thirty seconds to copy-paste the rejection letter into a response email.

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That would be awesome, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I'll email them, I think.


Let me know if they respond! I'm still waiting to hear and I'm terrified to ask. Better not to know, maybe. They're the last school I'm waiting on. 

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I was reading a timeline on applying to grad school and found this statement "February & March: Try to relax while you wait it out. This will probably be the most relaxing time you'll have for the next several years, so enjoy it." (http://www.princetonreview.com/grad/application-timeline.aspx)

I don't know if I should laugh or be afraid - very, very afraid.

I am still impatiently waiting on one school and not relaxing at all. I had a dream last night that I was waitlisted and that did not comfort me much.

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I ended up emailing and found out that I was rejected. I am absolutely NOT cut up by this given that out of 8 applications this was my only rejection. Yay! Application cycle is officially over me and so I am very grateful this reply.

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Let me know if they respond! I'm still waiting to hear and I'm terrified to ask. Better not to know, maybe. They're the last school I'm waiting on. 


"The decision  comes to your from the GSAS Dean’s office. I’m not authorized to give official decisions, but what I can do is tell you that admitted students for fall 2013 have been contacted and everyone else is being contacted by the admissions staff of the Dean’s Office gradually."

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So basically, "I'm not authorized to give official decisions, but unofficially, you're SOL."  I'm sort of assuming that that's true of all programs that I'm waiting on, too. 


Yeah, basically. Unless I'm on some wait list, but I doubt it at this point--I'm just assuming rejection.

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Finally heard from Ole Miss: it's a yes. Stipend is a little bit lower at 13.5K, but Mississippi isn't an expensive place to live. What a crazy week.


That's better than last year; I think they were only offering 10.5 or 11 when I applied.  And yes, it's dirt cheap to live around Oxford.

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So basically, "I'm not authorized to give official decisions, but unofficially, you're SOL."  I'm sort of assuming that that's true of all programs that I'm waiting on, too. 

I'm in the same boat as you--waiting on UVA and UMD.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to Tufts, but it's irritating as hell not knowing what UVA is thinking.  I keep telling myself that I'm just waiting for inevitable rejection, but since I know that both UVA and UMD have already sent out rejections, a tiny voice in the back of my head tells me that maybe they haven't notified me for a reason; maybe I'm not rejected; maybe there is still some hope.  It's absolutely maddening.

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