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Wonder when GREs are sent, after you request them?

Guest anon

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Even thought the ETS says they will process the scores within 10 days of the receipt of the request (for additional scores), the request can lay indefinitely in one of their departments before the right department actually receives the report request. This, of course, does not happen with our checks.My check was cashed 12 days before they say the appropriate dept got my request and only after that the the 10-day-processing applies.

Thus, we actually have no controll whatsoever over the timing of this thing. You can send your request at the beginning of December, they can cash your check beginning January, and give the request to the aprop. department in May for the within-10-days-processing.

Good luck. :!:

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most of the grad schools have admissions office. this is where all the application packets, transcripts and scores go.

This office, in most cases update the dapartment wit all th stuff they get almost on a daily basis.

So if ur score has reached admissions office or the reception on time, probably the department wil receive it the next day, thts the latest.

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I also had some GRE scores arrive late, after requesting them a month in advance. They told me the same story about the 10 days not starting until they sort their mail. At least one school told me that as long as they get the official scores before they start making final decisions, my self-reported scores on the application form could be used in initial application review. Don't know if that's true for other schools.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I HATE ETS! They screwed me over so many times... It took about 3 months for me to get my scores sent and 7 phone calls. Every time I called they assured me that the order was in and it would be sent in the next 10 days and when I called back 5-6 days later, they would have no record of it... So, if you're concerned, keep calling

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ETS is a RIP OFF ...

creme the la creme of capitalism ...

you want to go to grad school:

pay them +$100 for GRE, GMAT and/or TOEFL test

pay them $10 to listen to scores

you apply for more than 4 schools (as most of us) and want extra reports?

pay them extra bucks for the phone service (talking to a machine)

pay them +$15 for each report

Trying to get a hold of them? Impossible phone system to get through.

live in a geographically lone area (Alaska, Hawaii, other countries than USA) ... chances are small you can even take an exam ON TIME.

... no seats on in your country or island available for a whole year? Fly to mainland.

Awful monopoly.


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Schools get an electronic update every two weeks. So, if you happen to request on the day of the update, then it will be two weeks (10 working days) for the scores to reach the university. The university is then responsible for forwarding the scores to the departments and depending on the efficacy of the university this could take about another month or so.

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