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Also -- I am still receiving messages from Delaware's online application system telling me that my application was never finished and submitted. I started an application way early -- November, I think it was, and have been receiving these messages ever since. Even after actually submitting my app AND being accepted. So . . . take whatever is posted on their application site with a grain of salt.

THANK YOU...thank you thankyouthankyou. *sighs with relief.* I may still contact them to make sure... I feel kind of dumb doing so since I know that even if they DO have everything there's a pretty good chance it's going to be a rejection, but it would be nice to know that my application was at least completed and given a fair review. I actually didn't/don't know as much about their program as I probably should--I decided to apply there at the last minute upon the advice of my advisor, who went there himself and studied modernist literature.

Anyways thanks and congrats again--it sounds like you had a good visit! Best of luck :)

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Guest Guest X

Any thoughts about UVA's waitlist? Sounds pretty meaningless since so many people seem to be on it. I can't imagine with the competition being what it is, there are going to be a significant number of people in the position to refuse Virginia and its funding. Does anyone have reason to be more hopeful and/or know their actual position on the waitlist?

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Guest Delyth

Applying there was also a last minute decision for me -- I had never HEARD of this University until I noticed they ranked well for Colonial. Ironically, I will most likely be going there next fall. It's not a flashy, trendy department, but everyone I talk to at Louisville's department (where I am currently completing my BA) only has good things to say about Delaware. I was a bit unsure after the application problems, but I came away with a good feeling about the department. The grad students are happy, and both Brückner and Lemay (the two profs Imet) are less intimidating in person than they are on paper.

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Guest YVRgirl

Are people still waiting to hear from NYU? I've heard absolutely nothing...

Does anyone know *anything* about Stony Brook? I've tried calling the grad department and can't get anything but voicemail.

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Guest brassy
Any thoughts about UVA's waitlist? Sounds pretty meaningless since so many people seem to be on it. I can't imagine with the competition being what it is, there are going to be a significant number of people in the position to refuse Virginia and its funding. Does anyone have reason to be more hopeful and/or know their actual position on the waitlist?

Well, everyone I know who's on the list (about 6 people via another website) hasn't been able to get any concrete info. about their rank on the website. The best I've heard from J. O'Brien is that the list is not ranked, but instead grouped by discipline. It matters less how many students decline than _which_ students decline.

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Guest Paddy_Conscience

I'm also waiting to hear from NYU. Apparently they already sent out their first round of acceptances via email, so chances are if we haven't received rejection letters yet that we're in wait-list limbo. Grrr.

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Guest Guest X

Well, everyone I know who's on the list (about 6 people via another website) hasn't been able to get any concrete info. about their rank on the website. The best I've heard from J. O'Brien is that the list is not ranked, but instead grouped by discipline. It matters less how many students decline than _which_ students decline.

ooh. Thanks for the info, Brassy. Much appreciated.

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Guest jacqbailey

I'm new to this, so I hope I'm posting correctly...if not, forgive me.

Anyone out there heard from Purdue's English department yet?

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So... I just found out that Temple has updated their admissions status stuff on their website, OWLnet. However, i cannot find ANYWHERE any information on an ID number from them, or a pin number, or a username, or anything. I went through all of my files and my email. I have the information I used to log into my online application, a receipt from paying online, and a confirmation number for payment. I've tried every possible combination of everything I can possibly think of...

Any ideas???? I'm going crazy here. Did they snail-mail these ID numbers and passwords at some point and I just never got it or something? And is it just a randomly generated number that I'm never going to guess? My social sec. number wasn't working for it....

Any help ASAP would be great... this is a huge distraction now.

Edit: also, their website is completely uncrackable--i mean, you can't do ANYTHING to get a pin number emailed to you without knowing your univ ID number. grr.

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Guest Paddy_Conscience

Anybody accepted to WUSTL and not going? I'm on the waiting list and would really like to get in...Thanks!

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Guest Paddy_Conscience

Thanks. I hope so too. It would be nice to get in somewhere. I got a rejection letter from NYU that was so nice it made me angry. It said, "We're sure you've received plenty of positive responses by now." I actually screamed at the letter "NO I HAVEN'T YOU BASTARDS!!!!!!!!" That made me feel a little bit better.

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Heh, Paddy_Conscience, I was thinking about posting a similar question to see who was debating whether or not to go to University of Washington. I'd love to hear that I got in before, say, April 14th.

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Guest Paddy_Conscience

Well, I just received permission to remain where I just finished my MA, with no word on funding yet. I've heard from three schools in as many days, though, so it looks like this whole process is finally coming to a head...

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Mildly reassured by the fact that the rare acceptance to somewhere good is still trickling in...

There hasn't been much news lately on the results page, but about half of it's been good news of waitlistings and acceptances from BIG programs where I thought the game was pretty much over (ie. Delaware and Mass-Amherst)... so maybe all hope isn't lost for my last 3...although, it IS virtually April now... maybe I'm being unrealistic :?

I'm still waiting on a funding offer from a school I got admitted to and really want to attend. I probably wrote about this before, but they've told me I'm essentially waitlisted for funding... they only made 4 funding offers to PhD students and those people have til April 17 to decline, at which point I might get an offer. Do you guys think it's tactless/inappropriate to contact the department to ask how far down the funding waitlist I am? I mean, I don't want to seem like I'm grovelling for money and have no dignity, but if I'm 3rd or 4th or below there's a pretty good chance I'll not be getting an offer, and I'd kind of like to know... I already called once about a week and a half ago, though, to find out the fact that I was waitlisted for funds in the first place and I don't want to be annoying...

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Guest Paddy_Conscience

I would wait until it's closer to the deadline...any deadline, whether it's their deadline to inform you or your deadline to accept another offer. I'm still waiting on two schools from which I've heard absolutely nothing, but I have until the 15th of April to accept the offer I've received (of course, I can always just walk down the street to give them my deposit - I don't have to rely on the vagaries of the postal service). Anyway, I wouldn't annoy them until I have to, were I in your position.

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hi all...new to the board, so apologies if i don't follow protocol. :)

i was accepted into the MA program @ osu, and attended the open house on 3/30. i found out i was accepted back in february, but i think that was just because i was up for a fellowship (alas, i didn't get it). i got rejection letters from university of chicago and university of virginia, both in early march. i'm still waiting on a response from miami university (ohio), but i doubt it'll make a difference as i'm pretty sure i'll be attending osu. their funding is pretty amazing when all is said and done, and their eighteenth-nineteenth century british lit faculty are well regarded.

good luck to everyone!


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That's awesome, gradgirl! I emailed last week but never received a response. I think my email may have been shuffled aside in all the open house busy-ness. I think I'll call if I don't hear anything by the end of this week.

They did tell us that their deadline was the 17th at the open house, which went really well. The current grad students were super friendly and helpful and I enjoyed my one-on-one meetings with the faculty, particularly with one prof. I was very impressed, but I'm not so sure it was a good idea to go because if I don't get in now I'll cry my eyes out. My only other option at this point is Kent State, which I may have mentioned before, and I really don't want to end up there.

Kara, we probably saw each other at the open house! There were a lot of people there, though, so maybe not. It was kind of awkward for me, because I didn't want to advertise the fact that I was on the wait list, so when people asked if I had definitely decided on OSU, I was like, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll go here," adding "if I make it off the list!" in my head.

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sibilance7, if you don't mind me asking, who did you meet one-on-one with? i had great experiences with the individual meetings, too, so i'm curious to hear who you met with and how it went. (you can PM me if you'd rather not post names here.) did you end up going to the blackwell inn for the reception? i only stayed for a little bit, considering we'd been there ALL. DAY. LONG. not complaining though; it was really fun. :)

good luck on getting in; i'll be rooting for you!


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I think I've been private messaging everyone here who would actually care, but I'm so excited that I'm going to post anyway: I've been offered a spot at OSU! I'm so excited. I tried to get excited about Kent this weekend by seeing what courses I would take in the fall, and nothing on the schedule sounded that good, so I was starting to get really depressed. Now all I need to do is sell my house so I can move to Columbus. But I'm not letting that stress me out today!

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Sibilance7 said:
I've been offered a spot at OSU! I'm so excited.

i got your email and will respond soon, but i wanted to post something here too:


congratulations. can't wait to meet you for real in the fall (or sooner)! :D


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