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McNair Scholar--Oxford Ph.D


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I am an International law (BA) major in the U.S,I dream of attending University of Oxford and want to study Criminology---


 Here's the Problem-- I have a 2.8 GPA from my Community College.

 I now attend a well known 4 year College and have a overall 3.8/4.0 gpa and a 4.0/4.0 gpa in my major.

 I am a McNair Scholar and am currently conducting my first independent research project and plan on doing at least 2 research projects

 I plan on at at least having 2 publications and will speak at 3 presentations/conferences.

 I am a research assissant, intern at the United Nations and have a few other internships.


I wanted to know if I have any chance at Oxford? For a Ph.D? For a Masters?

P.S This year alone, 3 McNair Scholars from my College were accepted to Oxford.

Edited by Smile33
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I understand your anxiety, but you will be fine. I promise. If I have any real advice, it is try to come across as an interesting and engaging whole human being in your essays; that counts for more than anything else.

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