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University of Washington

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I wasn't contacted at all, but I did reach out to Dr. Guerra with questions and had a really nice chat with him on the phone. Also, got the complete spreadsheet of job placement from their placement office (very colorful! literally), which was interesting. Some really good years, some not so good. Some peeps from the 2009 class that have tenure-track positions at places like Berkley! Reached out to some grad students via email, but haven't heard anything back. Also inquired about the pretty bad 2010 NRC rankings. Got a pretty complete answer about problems with institution wide data collection and such, which is really interesting, because I know that PSU, whose ranking shot up, was super proud because they worked so hard on a 100 percent response rate from their profs. Makes me think that the NRC rankings prove little more than how good departments are at getting their profs to fill out questionnaires.  


I do remember sebastiansteddy remarking somewhere else about funding issues, but that isn't the case right now. They dealt with this four or five years ago, but they are on the mend, getting raises, doing two new hires. sebastiansteddy: where did you hear that, out of curiosity? Also, to the PSU v UW end, I did see that you had posted something about profs of yours saying that PSU is on the rise, while UW was on the decline. I think that might be true of the NRC rankings, whatever those are worth, but, as someone who has been at PSU for the past two years, I can tell you that they are dealing with their funding cuts right now and it hasn't been pretty. Makes me wonder how much all these "rankings" are five years behind of what is actually going on. 

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I do remember sebastiansteddy remarking somewhere else about funding issues, but that isn't the case right now. They dealt with this four or five years ago, but they are on the mend, getting raises, doing two new hires. sebastiansteddy: where did you hear that, out of curiosity? Also, to the PSU v UW end, I did see that you had posted something about profs of yours saying that PSU is on the rise, while UW was on the decline. I think that might be true of the NRC rankings, whatever those are worth, but, as someone who has been at PSU for the past two years, I can tell you that they are dealing with their funding cuts right now and it hasn't been pretty. Makes me wonder how much all these "rankings" are five years behind of what is actually going on. 


Doesn't UW accept quite a few PhD students, but only fund a few of them? Is it true that not all accepted students receive funding? Aren't many students required to pay their way for the first year or two? When I applied to MA programs 2 years ago, that was the case. I have a friend in the MFA program who was required to pay for the first year, and she has told me that is true of the MA/PhD program. I would ask how many students are accepted, and how many receive funding. Not only can this sort of disparity in funding lead to internal problems, but in my opinion, it also shows that a program is reaching for students. Instead of accepting 20 students and funding 6, it seems like a stronger program would just accept the 6 they can fund. 


UW aslo fell a little bit in the new USNWR rankings, while PSU rose a bit. Obviously, we are all aware of the flaws in both rating systems and know not to take them TOO seriously (I believe PSU is now ranked 26 and UW 32, or something like that - an almost negligible difference). I am not trying to say that UW is not a good program (I applied there). From talking with professors, PSU just seems to have a better reputation. This is just my impression from my conversations. That being said, UW can certainly be better for different areas, and is probably a much better place to live. Sorry I can't be more exact - maybe talk with your professors and ask them what their impressions are of each program?


The reason I give so much weight to how my advisors and professors talk about different programs is because eventually, they will be the ones playing a role in the hiring game.

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Funding points, well taken. Though, I asked the same question of a prof (unequal funding=worrisome and/or a sign of an unpleasant environment) and he said that competitive/unequal funding was status quo until the largesse of the Clinton years. Since then, we've come to expect that sort of situation. Now, since $'s on the decline, a lot of programs are heading back that way. Though, I do like your point about: only accept those you can fund. That, I think, would look better, too. BUT, for perspective: in terms of MFA programs, two of the best are Iowa and Columbia and both offer dismal funding, entirely unequal. Because of that and the horror stories I heard, I didn't consider either. Since I've only been at a place that offers equal funding (people find other shit to get uptight about anyway, so...), I can't speak for what it's like somewhere that doesn't, but, yeah, it's always been a point of concern for me, too. Though...if I did get the funding, I'm not saying I wouldn't take it. Who knows!


US News and World Report. All I gotta say is: Bryn Mawr. ;) I'll never say that rankings don't matter, but, I think the disparity here is almost negligible. And I think everyone in the field feels like they aren't really trustworthy, either. The rankings, I feel, are for Deans and parents (and people's whose schools are really well ranked). I think the ball park snapshots (top 10, 30 or 50) can be helpful, but when you get down to it, anything between 11-35 probably offers the same competitive lists of pros and cons.  


Yeah. From the informal polls I've done of both programs, doesn't seem like anyone outside of said programs knows much about them, to be honest. But, being at PSU, I can say there are a lot of amazing profs doing well-regarded/recognized work. 

Edited by nothingatall
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I'm just telling you what I've heard and how my conversations with advisors and professors have shaped my perceptions of the two programs. Just trying to help. If I had the choice between PSU and UW, I'd be more inclined toward PSU. That's just me though, given my research interests, professional and academic goals, etc. You have been at PSU, so you have a pretty clear idea of what's going on there. You gotta do what's right for you! And of course, living in Seattle would be sooo much cooler than living... wherever PSU is.

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I'm just telling you what I've heard and how my conversations with advisors and professors have shaped my perceptions of the two programs. Just trying to help. If I had the choice between PSU and UW, I'd be more inclined toward PSU. That's just me though, given my research interests, professional and academic goals, etc. You have been at PSU, so you have a pretty clear idea of what's going on there. You gotta do what's right for you! And of course, living in Seattle would be sooo much cooler than living... wherever PSU is.


State College, but, yeah, no one I know can remember that. Not even after me being there for two years. Even before I started there, I think I referred to it as College Station or something. It's basically like saying Anywhere USA. 


And thanks for your input! I honestly have no idea what I'm choosing yet. Both programs have a lot of pluses. Just airing the pros and cons, because, well, you know....driving one's self nuts with overanalyzing every aspect of this choice sounds like such a good way to kill a couple of weeks. And I totally appreciate your input. 


Also: what are your research interests, if you don't mind me asking? 

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well, things should get interesting this week...maybe even this afternoon...


Exactly. I'm wondering if we'll be lucky enough to learn the outcome today?


And sebastian: that's truly bizarre/annoying. When was the last time you wrote to find out what's going on? I'm wondering if there weren't people they had in a holding pattern until the funding meeting? Still: this seems like a not-so-effective way of getting things done. 

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Exactly. I'm wondering if we'll be lucky enough to learn the outcome today?


And sebastian: that's truly bizarre/annoying. When was the last time you wrote to find out what's going on? I'm wondering if there weren't people they had in a holding pattern until the funding meeting? Still: this seems like a not-so-effective way of getting things done. 


I e-mailed the general English grad address and received a form reply, assuring me that my materials were all received and I should hear in early to mid-March. I then e-mailed Dr. Guerra and have not received a reply. I know that many rejections have gone out... but also in looking at results past, UW is pretty eccentric in sending out their notifications. 

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I dunno. Just wait until Friday though. I'll be shocked if nobody hears anything this week. But based on what I've seen, if both acceptances and rejections have already been given and we're this late into things the most likely possibility is a rejection.

Edited by hidalgo
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Hidalgo! Sorry to hear that, bud. Are you an MA or PhD candidate? You still considering or weighing other options? 


I also received word via email, re:funding, and I've been offered a TAship! If others haven't heard, I know they just mailed out the official letters. I got mine via email because I'm overseas. Gonna go check out the school April 3-5. I'm 95 percent sure I'm gonna commit. After all, I hear Seattle weather makes one's hair look amazing, like, all the time. ;) 


Good luck everyone! 

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Congrats, nothingatall! That's great. I, unfortunately, was also denied funding. I am still considering accepting, however, once I get a bit more information as to what the likelihood of second year/PhD funding would be.

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Hidalgo! Sorry to hear that, bud. Are you an MA or PhD candidate? You still considering or weighing other options? 


I also received word via email, re:funding, and I've been offered a TAship! If others haven't heard, I know they just mailed out the official letters. I got mine via email because I'm overseas. Gonna go check out the school April 3-5. I'm 95 percent sure I'm gonna commit. After all, I hear Seattle weather makes one's hair look amazing, like, all the time. ;) 


Good luck everyone! 

Where are you? PM me. Curious. I'm an international but I turned down their offer before funding decisions. Did you get the full 5 years?

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Where are you? PM me. Curious. I'm an international but I turned down their offer before funding decisions. Did you get the full 5 years?

 Done! I'm in Warsaw, Poland, but I'm a US citizen. 


And skybythelight: man! well, if they can guarantee you funding after the first year...is there any chance that if someone else walks away from their funding you might get a chance? Best of luck! And maybe we'll see each other in the Fall?  

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