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Not sure what to do - advice please

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I've been accepted into two PhD programs.


One of the programs is a well established mid-ranked program, but after further thought, I do not feel that it is a good fit for me.

The other program both has people I want to work with and a program in which I fit. But it is relatively new, I worry that it doesn't have the courses I will need to prepare me for grant writing and teaching,the funding isn't great (it would be hard to live off of). I am worried about stalling and about being able to get a teaching position afterwards. Other than those worries, it seems like the perfect place, and the people there seem to really want me.


I'm having second thoughts about whether I want to go to either of these programs. There are a few programs I did not apply to this year and I regret not applying to, even if some of them were reach schools. I part of me just wants to decline both offers and try again next year after spending a long time researching schools. I have an MA and went straight from undergrad to my MA program  now I am feeling a bit burned out. I think that some time off wouldn't do me harm. But then I worry that I won't get in anywhere. My parents and adviser are really pushing me to go to the second school and I am afraid of disappointing people. Anyone have any advice on what to do?

Edited by charliebear
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If you have a strong application profile and do a related job or project this year, then there is a fair chance that you'll get in the next season to some other school. In this case, you can take the risk of taking a year off.


On the other hand, see the profiles of the faculty at the new program - especially your POI's. If they have good contacts and have good number of publications, they may be able to help you with job prospects after PhD - especially because it's a new program and they have to build a good reputation of it.


But if you can't afford the second school and feel that your profile is not strong enough, then go to the first school.

Edited by Seeking
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Thank you so much. I feel like I do have a strong profile, and may have underestimated how strong it was. If I could do it again, I would definitely apply to more highly ranked schools that I never considered before. The faculty at the new program do have good contacts, I am just worrying about living off of the stipend they are providing. I just feel like I am letting everyone down if I don't go somewhere - my parents, my advisers, the other people who wrote letters of recommendation for me. I'm so torn up and stressed out that I everything is becoming so hard to handle. If I could do it over again, there are so many things I would do differently. I just don't want to burn any bridges between now and next year.

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Hi, sorry for the question, but I just need to know some point of comparison to evaluate what a good funding is..?


For a PhD program (in my case, in petroleum engineering at UT Austin) what should be considered as a good monthly stipend?


Thanks for any advice!


Hope you charliebear can deal with your decision! Wish you my best.

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. I have an MA and went straight from undergrad to my MA program  now I am feeling a bit burned out. I think that some time off wouldn't do me harm. But then I worry that I won't get in anywhere. My parents and adviser are really pushing me to go to the second school and I am afraid of disappointing people. Anyone have any advice on what to do?


It is absolutely understandable to take some time between undergrad/MA studies and a doctoral program, and in fact some programs prefer it!

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I think I have decided to take time off after I graduate. This application season has been extremely stressful and everything seemed to be go wrong. On top of that I feel like my interests have evolved from the time I originally applied and I missed a lot of schools that would have been better fits for my interests. I think I will apply again to different schools next season and work on figuring out what I really want to research and which schools would be my best fit. At the same time I want to use the year off to increase my current skill levels to possibly make myself a better candidate. The time off will be good for me. It will allow to destress, calm my mind, and figure things out. I need to make sure I do not enter a PhD program simply because I want to avoid the real world. I think having a job and a back-up plan would make the next application less stressful than this one.

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