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University of Washington

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I wanted to start a thread about the University of Washington.  I was accepted, but I've never been to Seattle (it's #1 on my list of places to go).  I applied because it is such a good program, and they have the specific Medical SLP program which I love.  I wanted to get a conversation going on who is considering accepting their offer of admission, and where people suggest living? It's so expensive!...I'm wondering if there are neighborhoods that are more affordable (but still safe) and have accessible public transportation to the campus.

Thanks so much!

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I was also accepted to the Med SLP program, and I am almost positive this is where I will end up. I'll be coming from MN, so my plan for the first semester is to sub-let a room as close as I possibly can to the campus area/ close to a convenient bus line. I have only visited once, and no where near long enough to get a good feel for the area. I figure this way I can save a little money and potentially a lot of stress by having a chance to actually get a feel for different neighborhoods. You might want to look at the Seattle thread under the "City Guide" discussions (). In any case, all I hear are fantastic things about the program and Seattle area. As someone who loves skiing, hiking, kayaking, etc., I feel like it's a dream come true that there is such a great program in such a unique location. 

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I was accepted into the Core program, and it's definitely high on my list (though I still have 5 of 7 to hear back from).


I have also visited Seattle just once, but loved it. I'm sure you could find good housing on Craigslist.


Has anyone visited the school/department? I've heard amazing things, but would love to get a better feel for the clinic, classrooms, etc. I may have to go visit...


Also... has anyone heard about scholarships yet?

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I'm kind of crashing the party here, but oh well. :) I was accepted to the audiology program, which was far and away my first choice. I'm going up to visit in two weeks, and will hopefully get a chance to see some of the neighborhoods around the school. I've been talking to another AuD student there, and she said that most of the grads live within three miles of the campus. Craigslist is also apparently a really good way to get housing in the area. Padmapper.com seems pretty useful, too. 

I'm definitely worried about the cost, but if I love the area, I'll have a hard time choosing to go anywhere else. There's not much funding for AuD, so I guess I'll figure it out as best I can.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is my attempt at thread revival! 
I visited the school this past weekend, and pretty much fell in love with it. I accepted my offer of admission on Sunday night. How are you guys coming along in the decision process? 

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I am 99.9% sure this is where I will be next fall, and I can hardly wait :D  (I was surprised to see that fall quarter doesn't start until late September!) 


I haven't had a chance to actually visit the department, so any insight on what you loved? Also, any sense of neighborhoods that might be a good place to live? Considering what I have found online, it seems that anywhere in the U District is a good choice, but I probably won't have a chance to visit until later in the spring/summer. 

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I live in Seattle and must emphasis its greatness. I have lived in New York City, Washington DC, Portland OR, Burlington VT, Oaxaca Mexico, Lisbon Portugal, and Fairfield CT and feel my opinions are pretty well rounded. I do not want to leave Seattle. I am planning on attending the UW post bacc and hopefully the Grad program because of how much I love it here. If you have been offered admission I would definitely recommend accepting!

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I can't pinpoint anything in particular that made me decide. I think it was really my visit as a whole. 
It was 65 and sunny all weekend. I know that it doesn't rain all the time in Seattle, but I was expecting to see some overcast days. A few people have told me that the 8-9 months of cloudy days are worth it for the 3-4 months of beautiful ones, and I can totally see what they're talking about. We spent time hanging out on the quad and at Gas Works park, and everything was pretty much perfect. 

The department has been really helpful. I met one of the current 2nd year AuD students on another forum, and she has been awesome about answering any questions I have. She and another girl also volunteered to come in on Easter and give me a tour of the building, which was really nice. The building wasn't as spiffy as some of the ones I've seen, but I loved the area and the school. 

I'm a little freaked out about having to find housing. I'd really like to have a roommate to keep costs down, but I don't really know anyone else who is going. My dad and I drove around most of the neighborhoods around the school. My favorites were Ravenna, Fremont, and Wallingford, because I love trees and quirky places. I think I'll be happy anywhere that is relatively safe, though. I'm from a pretty small town, so living in a city will be an adjustment.

Erock40, I was surprised at the late September start, too! It will be nice to have a little more time to move, at least. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you had any luck on housing the housing front? I was thinking it would be no problem to just look on craigslist, but once I started looking I realized I have no idea where anything is or how the buses work. I am also trying to decide whether or not I want to try and find some roomies (and how many) vs. finding something smaller (but studios and cheap 1br's are terrifyingly small!) My boyfriend is potentially moving out to Seattle in spring of 2014, so I am also trying to think ahead about how a long of a lease I would be willing to commit to. Do you know if there is any sort of accepted or current students facebook page? It might be easiest to connect with others and collect opinions through there....

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I agree on the studios and cheap 1brs. 400 sq ft... doable. 250... no.  


I've found some places that I'd like to live (which are about 20-25 minute bus rides), but I haven't committed to anything yet. I'm really Type-A about housing stuff, so I've been studying the Metro website to learn about the busses. :P Most of the places I've been looking are slightly newer, and a little more expensive that I originally planned. If I get a roommate, they'll be fine. My current plan is to do something newer and more expensive for the first year, and then, once I know the area, to find something cheaper. 


There is a UW NSSLHA page, but the UW Audiology page is a closed group. I'm not sure about SLP. I haven't seen any accepted student stuff yet. The AuD program coordinator said they'd be giving us more information after the 15th, once they have the class set. Maybe SLP is doing the same? My boyfriend is also planning to move up in spring or summer of 2014. I've seen a few 9 month leases, but most of them appear to be 12 months. I figure I'll get the easiest lease and then move once I know what the boyfriend is doing. 

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