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Advice on "Safety" schools


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 I have started my research in preparation to apply to grad schools for a MS in CS with a specialization in networking. I have been reading a lot of people say that a certain school was their "safety" school and I was wondering what was the best way to decide what range a "safety" school would fall in for me.  How difficult is it to get into some of the non-name schools? Here are my current stats:


I received my bachelor's in computer science from a small liberal arts university.

gpa- 3.37

gre V- 160/Q-167/ A- 4.5

 I don't have any publications, but I do have 10 years of work experience in the Army as a telecommunications engineer. 


Would a CS grad school in the 75-100 range for a CS Masters be "safe" or should I look lower?




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That's a good GRE score and the experience helps. GPA scores get less important as you gain more experience.

I think you have a shot at a safe 75-100 if your recommendations back you up. So do make sure you get some people who really are willing to say a lot of good things about you.

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I'd be curious to know what your "small liberal arts university" is. A bachelor's in CS from Pomona or Amherst or Carleton would be strong, but if no one's heard of your school or can't distinguish it from some random online "university", that would be less competitive. I think the answer to this question would determine whether 75-100 should be your safety, or more like 15-30 range.


GPA is decent, pretty good GRE scores. 


Agree with Abc_adams, the thing you should focus on at this point is the rest of your app. Probably never too soon to ask people to write your letters of rec, as well as beginning an outline of your statement of purpose.

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I'd be curious to know what your "small liberal arts university" is. A bachelor's in CS from Pomona or Amherst or Carleton would be strong, but if no one's heard of your school or can't distinguish it from some random online "university", that would be less competitive. I think the answer to this question would determine whether 75-100 should be your safety, or more like 15-30 range.


GPA is decent, pretty good GRE scores. 


Agree with Abc_adams, the thing you should focus on at this point is the rest of your app. Probably never too soon to ask people to write your letters of rec, as well as beginning an outline of your statement of purpose.



I am currently working on my statement of purpose. I do have a question about the sop, that I hope you can help me with. The Army has a program where they will send you to get your Masters degree and pay 100% of the tuition, then after completing your degree, you teach at West Point for 3 years. If selected, would this provide me a strong statement of purpose?

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