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LSU (Louisiana State University) - 2013


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I just signed my acceptance letter and am looking forward to heading to Baton Rouge this fall.  I did some research there last summer, so I'm already familiar with the area.  It would be great to get to know other students who will be starting grad school there this year.  I figured I'd start a thread for this year, since the existing one is primarily for previous years.  Looking forward to hearing from you!

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Hi Ely! What do you study? I'm in Baton Rouge now and visiting school tomorrow.


I will be doing my PhD in math.  I hope you have a great time seeing the campus.  It's much bigger than the tiny liberal arts school I'm attending now, but it is very beautiful.  Let me know if you have any questions about living arrangements.  I have several friends who have been grad students there for a few years, so they have been plying me full of suggestions.

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The campus is beautiful! My husband and I signed our contracts while we were there. I'll definitely ask you about whatever neighborhoods we look at... I'm concerned about finding a good place to live that will accept three dogs.

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Glad to hear you liked it. I'm very excited about making the move, but not so much about all of the downsizing I need to do before then.  I'm doing a summer program at Cornell, so I need to be move-ready two weeks after graduation. Kind of wishing I had a magic "montage button" to speed things up. We are rehoming our two dogs. I just didn't feel like I would be able to give them the attention they need while spening most of my waking hours at school. It won't be easy on either my son or me, but it really is in the best interests of the pups in our particular circumstance.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi! i will be moving to Baton Rouge in less than two weeks. I will be starting the clinical psychology program. Just wanted to say hello and to connect to new Tigers like myself.

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Hi, kmitch!  I'll be getting into town in the middle of the first week of August, and I am beyond excited about the move.  I'll keep an eye out for you at orientation events.

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