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Submitted 8 LoRs, What Will Happen?

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Okay, now I am really freaking out.


I have one professor who said to me that it would be better if I submit more LoRs than being asked by the department. I did not know what was his consideration of saying that. So, instead of sending 3, I sent 8 LoRs. At first, I thought that it would be beneficial since I have shown more efforts in asking for LoRs. Then, after browsing on the internet, I found out that it would not always be beneficial.


What will happen with my application? What is the best case and the worst case?


I am really worried now. (Please say something that makes me calm haha). Kidding, just be honest.


Thank you in advance.

Edited by elevenfourth
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Most likely, the schools will just not look at all of the letters. If the school requires 3 letters, it may just look at the first three that were received and ignore the rest. There's a chance that the admissions personnel may raise an eyebrow at the number of letters, because 8 is a bit on the excessive side. And some admissions committees may interpret this as a bad thing ("this applicant doesn't know how to follow instructions" or "this applicant looks like he's trying to break the rules to give himself an unfair advantage"), but I don't think that this will automatically kill your application or anything drastic like that. Chances are that they'll just ignore some of the letters, so that you don't get that unfair advantage (in terms of more recommendations) over another student.


At least, this is what I would assume. I've never been in this position myself... perhaps someone else who has can chime in with his/her experiences?

Edited by zabius
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I'd think with 4 or even 5, there might be a bit of a raised eyebrow, but they'd toss out one of the letters and review the app. 


8 would probably definitely raise some "what's going on here" flags. It either speaks to an inability to follow directions, or being completely out of touch with the norms and conventions, neither of which is a particularly good thing. 


Most likely, they just took the 3 first to arrive, and ignored the rest, however. Your main worry in this case is that those might not have been the strongest letters for you to have. 

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Yeaah, if only I have known about these things before I asked for LoRs. Asking for LoRs is actually something new in my country, because we usually do not have to ask for recommendations here. So, I really did not know that what I've done was not a good thing.


I have contacted the department (Graduate Program Coordinator and Lead Office Assistant), but I have not received any replies from them until now. Would they just follow what I have said in my email to regard only 3 letters, and not replying to me. Or what if they haven't read my email? Or what if they are just pissed off and ignored my application?


Hahaha sorry I'm freaking out here

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Things went better than expected guys. The graduate program coordinator replied my email and asked me to switch degree from M.Eng to M.S. in order to do research with the professors. I am really excited.

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