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Stereotyping MDiv vs. MA/MTS/MAR


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How much does the sentiment of "MDivs are a dime a dozen, and they'll let anyone into the program; MA/MTS/MARs are the smart ones" pervade your school?

Is this due to the fact that religious studies programs are typically more selective than MDiv programs? Is this due to the theology vs. religious studies strife in some academic circles, i.e., how can you objectively study a subject you profess? Is this due to a combination of these? Other factors involved?


I find myself frequently having to defend why I intend to do an MDiv (typical question: "Oh, so you're going to be a preacher." A: No, intend to go into academia.) instead of an MA/MTS/MAR, but this may be my own insecurity. Want to see how others feel.

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Attitudes are changing about the MDiv because it is largely becoming more and more practical ministry-oriented. There are some MDivs, for example, that you can finish without having to take a single semester of language---even at larger, more 'big name' schools! The fact of the matter is, some people just don't view the MDiv as an academically rigorous degree (and sometimes they're right). 

I wouldn't worry about it, though. If the MDiv is the right degree for you, and if you feel you are being prepared for an academic vocation, then screw anyone who thinks otherwise.

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At HDS the MDiv was actually a bit more selective than the MTS. But...yeah, in my experience you could usually guess from one conversation if someone was an MDiv or MTS based on their associated stereotypes with pretty good accuracy.

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At HDS the MDiv was actually a bit more selective than the MTS. But...yeah, in my experience you could usually guess from one conversation if someone was an MDiv or MTS based on their associated stereotypes with pretty good accuracy.


Yup. Same at BC. The majority was MTS.


Some stereotypes are true, some are not. Many of the ones that are true are based on the fact that MDiv students have to take a TON of requirements (and thus cannot have the same type of specificity that MTS/MAR have). If you want to be ordained, and also go into academia, it is the path you must follow. This is why a lot of MDiv's end up getting ThM/STM's.



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