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UMB vs. NYU?


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I'm deciding between UMB and NYU. I am leaning towards NYU because I feel like it has a slightly stronger program than UMB in terms of what I'm looking for (strong clinical focus, large focus on social contemporary issues), but UMB is ranked just as highly, has a clinical concentration, costs less, and--in terms of personal reasons--my girlfriend lives near Baltimore. 


I would love any advice--about each program, or about how to balance the relationship situation as well. I know what is most important is that I choose what is right for me. Thanks for your help, everyone! 

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Honestly, I'd go with UMB based on cost and based on my experiences interacting with the admissions department at NYU. I felt like a number, which is why I didn't end up applying. I know this isn't concrete, solid advice based on the program but there are plenty of threads here about cost...

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