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Teaching English at a community college with an MA in a related subject


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I've just begun searching for MA programs within the humanities, but wanted to narrow my choices via potential employment post-MA. I've read on this forum that there's a fair amount of work to be had at community colleges teaching English and writing, and wondered if one specifically needed an MA in English or writing to get these jobs, or if, say, an MA in interdisciplinary studies or journalism would be enough.

I have my BA in English and I've been teaching English abroad for 3 years while also working as an online TA, primarily teaching writing, in varied classes for Ashford University. So, I thought this experience might get me a community college job so long as I got an MA in a somewhat related field.

Thanks so much for your input.

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My guess is that it depends on the school. I taught part time at a CC in a field that was pretty new to me. They just cared that I had SOME advanced degree.

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There are cases in which you need the specific degree. For instance, with my MA in Liberal Studies, I would be qualified to teach English, but not History, at the nearest community college. I would recommend (as has been recommended to me) calling the particular community college(s) you are interested in teaching at to ask, or looking at their job postings.

Edited by OctaviaButlerfan
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Thanks for the replies thus far.


I'm wondering OctaviaButlerfan if you've found work easy enough after obtaining your Liberal Studies degree? The core of my question has to do with being able to get some financial stability via teaching adults after I get a MA (though it's not my primary reason for pursuing one), and while I'm looking into programs similar to Liberal Studies I cannot afford to get a MA of this sort if it doesn't open enough job opportunities, presumably at CCs.


Thank you.

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