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Considering Sociology Graduate School


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Hello everyone,


I am considering PhD programs in sociology and was hoping for some advice as my graduate advisor has not been much help. I am currently a masters student in Women's Studies with a GPA of 3.8/4.0. My undergraduate major was in Psychology (I minored in sociology) and my cumulative GPA was 3.62/4.00. My verbal GRE was in the 75th percentile and my quantitative in the 60th (willing to retake). Would I make a good candidate for sociology graduate programs? Right now I am looking at schools such as University of Illinios at Chicago, UMass-Amherst, UC-Boulder, and UC-San Diego.


Thank you, your help is much appreciated.

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Whether you would be a good candidate is going to depend on whether what you want to study is best done under sociology. I can tell you that someone in my cohort has a similar background as you and is in the sociology track of the program. She had a really laid out idea of what she wanted to study, though, and chose this program because it straddled the line with geography and anthropology.

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Your stats are up to par, your background compatible, and yes, it would be best to retake the GRE, but other than that, as JMU noted, whether sociology is the right doctoral program for you will depend on your research interests.


What are your research interests and what makes them particularly sociological? If your answers to this two-part question align with the discipline, I'd most certainly recommend pursuing it further. :)

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