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I have lost directions totally......

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I have passed my GRE test (158+169+3), and TOEFL(S 22), and I have a dozen of extracular activities like volunteering job at Tanzania, Internship in HSBC( a nice bank in Hong Kong), and so on, but my GPA is sort of low, is like 83/100.

I am a student major in Administrative management, and I want to apply for MPP program, but I don't know how to choose schools. My original goal was Cornell, but now I'm not very sure because of this GPA. So should I change my direction and try other schools like UChicago or George Mason or George Town or CMU?? 

Any suggestions?

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What happened to your font?


Quantum Buckyball (even though he might be a chemist!) is also right about applying to more than one program.


As for your application as whole, your GRE scores aren't bad at all. They should make you very competitive. That one part of your application might be lacking is something that you easily should be able to overcome and shouldn't discourage your from applying to a broad range of programs. Put time into your personal statement, get good letter writers, and select programs with a good fit and you'll have all the chances in the world to get in. Best of luck!

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Why not apply them all? It's way too dangerous if you only apply 1 school. Make sure you apply a wide range of schools (both public and private schools).

Thanks I'll try

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What happened to your font?


Quantum Buckyball (even though he might be a chemist!) is also right about applying to more than one program.


As for your application as whole, your GRE scores aren't bad at all. They should make you very competitive. That one part of your application might be lacking is something that you easily should be able to overcome and shouldn't discourage your from applying to a broad range of programs. Put time into your personal statement, get good letter writers, and select programs with a good fit and you'll have all the chances in the world to get in. Best of luck!

Thank you very much..

My GPA is not very high, as 3.0/4 in American standard maybe. Thus I'm not sure about my level at all.

Anyway, thank your reply, I'll try 15 schools probably.

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Thank you very much..

My GPA is not very high, as 3.0/4 in American standard maybe. Thus I'm not sure about my level at all.

Anyway, thank your reply, I'll try 15 schools probably.

Hey, 15 graduate school programs is a little much.  It would also get to be expensive in application fees alone.  Your best bet is to concentrate on a solid core of programs that you are truly interested in and programs that you have a realistic shot at getting into.

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Hey, 15 graduate school programs is a little much.  It would also get to be expensive in application fees alone.  Your best bet is to concentrate on a solid core of programs that you are truly interested in and programs that you have a realistic shot at getting into.

ok thank u very much

I want to try some programs in Cornell and CMU, but I cannot afford to one year gap, which means I have to get at least one program next year.

Anyway, thanks for your advice, I will choose programs in different schools very carefully.

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