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New graduate program vs. established grad program

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I have been accepted into SUNY Fredonia's speech language pathology graduate program for awhile now but I have just been accepted into SUNY Cortland's brand new speech pathology graduate program. I don't know where to go! I went to Cortland for my bachelors degree (undergrad program has a very good reputation FYI) but I am skeptical about the graduate program being brand new in comparison to Fredonia's established program. Does anyone have any opinion on the situation? Anything would help! Thanks!

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If the program is ASHA-accredited, it's worth checking out if you really want to go to Cortland. (geographic location, professors, research, etc. all factoring in, of course).  If it is NOT ASHA-accredited, you may want to check out that process to see when they will be accredited; taking a gamble on a non-accredited program could be bad... if they don't end up with proper credentials when you graduate... simply because you have to have a degree from an ASHA-accredited program to be eligible to apply for the CCC license, from what I understand, although I could be wrong.  Just things to think about and investigate.  Best of luck with your decision! 

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If the program is ASHA-accredited, it's worth checking out if you really want to go to Cortland. (geographic location, professors, research, etc. all factoring in, of course). If it is NOT ASHA-accredited, you may want to check out that process to see when they will be accredited; taking a gamble on a non-accredited program could be bad... if they don't end up with proper credentials when you graduate... simply because you have to have a degree from an ASHA-accredited program to be eligible to apply for the CCC license, from what I understand, although I could be wrong. Just things to think about and investigate. Best of luck with your decision!

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Thank you for your help! I actually contacted ASHA to ask about the schools accreditation and Cortland is currently an "accreditation candidate" and I can apparently still apply for my CCC's after I graduate. The only thing I'm skeptical about is apparently my transcripts will be looked at more critically when applying for my certification because the program is not technically accredited. Is this a big risk in your opinion?

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I wouldn't think it's a big risk, but only you can make that call.  I'd see about visiting, maybe having a meeting with one of the grad dept heads or a professor on the accreditation committee to make sure you wouldn't be taking a gamble.  Their advice may be biased, but they can tell you more about where in the accreditation process they are and you can compare their offerings with the other grad program you are considering or have been accepted to.  When you apply for certification, which won't be until you finish your CFY year ( spring 2016 at this point, if you start in the fall and it's a 2-year grad program), they should be fully accredited well before that point.  Accreditation can be scary especially for students outside of the process, but as long as they aren't on probation (I've heard that U of Hawaii is on probation right now, wowzer!) - it should be fine. I'd still schedule a visit / meeting with someone there, though, if you have the time and funds to travel. 

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Fellow Cortland Graduate here... As you probably know they've been working super hard on the accreditation thing. Especially Pitcher, hes always talking about it! I wonder if they will roll over some profs to teach graduate (IMO- wilson probably would), or if theyll get new. It may be good to go back to your roots in cortland if you know you wont get super distracted (if you know what I mean!), you already have a relationship with the department so it may be helpful to go somewhere that you are already comfortable with most of the faculty.  I dont see their accreditation falling through considering how long of a process it has been for them. 

On the other hand, personally... you couldnt pay me to go back there.

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Will you be writing a thesis in this program? If so, one can never underestimate the importance of have having colleagues who are further along in the program than yourself. My bf is a very independent and resourceful person. But during his PhD (in another field) there were a few times he ran into a challenge and appreciated being able to discuss his experiments with other people in the lab who were more senior and had more experience than him. I know that I would personally pick a school that has at least one or two cohorts ahead of my own.

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Questions about whether it's worth the risk and what the job hunt might look like with a degree from a school that is not yet accredited are probably best directed to current SLPs with experience evaluating CFY candidates. Do you know any experienced SLPs you can talk to?

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