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Sending GRE Scores - How Much Time?

Monochrome Spring

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I'm taking the GRE October 20th, which is just over 6 weeks from my application deadlines. I thought that this would be a good amount of time, since I'm only applying within the US and I am a US resident. However, I recently read that some schools prefer that your scores be received by 6 weeks before the application deadline. Do you think I should pay the $50 rescheduling fee and push my test earlier? Or do you think that 6 weeks is enough time? Personal experience would be greatly appreciated.


(Additionally, I am going to ask a professor at the school his own take on the situation.)

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Of course the school prefers it if materials are not all sent right near the deadline (together with 99% of the other applicants' materials) but I would not change my plans because of that. Any time before the deadline is a fine submission time. What's more, if the scores only reach the schools (a little bit) after the deadline, that's also not the end of the world. Most of the time you can submit an unofficial copy of your score report via email or directly in your application, and the official scores can be updated later. I'm not recommending that you submit late, but this is a thing that happens - scores get lost, exams get delayed - and in my time on this board I think these things almost always get worked out in the end. 

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From what I've read, most schools recommend you take it at least 3 weeks before to ensure the test gets there on time. Therefore, you have plenty of time. I highly doubt that it would harm your application if it's not received 6 weeks in advance. They'll look at your whole application package regardless.

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Monochrome, this is actually a great query. I'm an international applicant and applying for the Spring 2014 session. Which means that the deadlines are pretty close for most of my prospective universities. I appeared for GRE a couple of days back, so I'll have to wait for at least a couple of weeks for the official score-sheet.


I sure hope it doesn't hamper my chances. And as you rightly mentioned: "Personal experience would be greatly appreciated."

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I took the subject GRE only 3 weeks before my first application was due, because my original plans to take it a month earlier were foiled when the test sold out in the locations nearest to me. I emailed my schools in panic, because the GRE says to allow up to 6 weeks for your subject scores to come it (whereas with the General, you can at least report them unofficially even though the official scores are not in). 


I emailed my schools with the earliest application dates in panic, and not one of them seemed the least been concerned over the fact that my subject scores would come in a little late. Since you're taking in a full 6 weeks in advance, I'd say you're fine and I wouldn't spend the $50 to move your test date! 

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