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Media/Film Studies 2014


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I've applied to the following PhD programs: Film and Media at UC Berkeley, Cinema and Media Studies at U Chicago, Film and Visual Studies at Harvard, Modern Culture and Media at Brown, and Cinema Studies at NYU.


I have only heard from Berkeley. I'm in!! I am still waiting on funding info however.


Has anyone heard back from Chicago or Brown?


I saw 3 posts for U Chicago on the results page. 3 admits a few days ago, so I presume all the admits have been notified...


Good luck everyone

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I'm one of the 3 U Chicago admits that posted on the results page. I received an email telling me to log in to the application website, where an admissions letter and funding package were waiting for me, along with an invitation for the department's campus visit (they haven't stated the dates yet for the visit). I received the email on Friday, later than the other two admits, so don't give up hope yet! It was one of my dream schools, so I'm really excited!


Congratulations on UC Berkeley! I applied there as well (along with UCLA and USC) but haven't heard anything. Did you hear via email to check the website? What are your research interests?

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Has anyone heard back from Chicago or Brown?




Sorry, posted above and - in a wave of anxiety - decided to erase post. apologies all around. Yeah, I'm a Brown admit... I know there are 4 of us, and the visiting weekend is in march. 

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Hi everybody!

Finally found some place where others share my same anxiety... :-)

I applied UC Irvine, UW-Madison, UCLA and Tisch.

So far I had interview only with Tisch but they put me in the wait list. Since they told me, time is passing even slower than usual. I really hope that there will be some reward for me at the end, even if I am somehow skeptical that someone who has been admitted at Tisch would turn their offer down.

I am an international student and all this turmoil and procedures they all sound new to me, but I keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.

(just for the sake of knowing: does anybody know something more than usual promo about Rochester CVS program? I regret somehow deeply that I did not try to get there - I wasn't aware of its existence. It looks to me a program way more interesting than UCLA's for instance...)

Thank you everybody, congrats to who got admitted and best of luck to the others

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I'm one of the 3 U Chicago admits that posted on the results page. I received an email telling me to log in to the application website, where an admissions letter and funding package were waiting for me, along with an invitation for the department's campus visit (they haven't stated the dates yet for the visit). I received the email on Friday, later than the other two admits, so don't give up hope yet! It was one of my dream schools, so I'm really excited!


Congratulations on UC Berkeley! I applied there as well (along with UCLA and USC) but haven't heard anything. Did you hear via email to check the website? What are your research interests?


Congratulations, it is a wonderful department. May I ask what your interests are?


Hi everybody!

Finally found some place where others share my same anxiety... :-)

I applied UC Irvine, UW-Madison, UCLA and Tisch.

So far I had interview only with Tisch but they put me in the wait list. Since they told me, time is passing even slower than usual. I really hope that there will be some reward for me at the end, even if I am somehow skeptical that someone who has been admitted at Tisch would turn their offer down.

I am an international student and all this turmoil and procedures they all sound new to me, but I keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.

(just for the sake of knowing: does anybody know something more than usual promo about Rochester CVS program? I regret somehow deeply that I did not try to get there - I wasn't aware of its existence. It looks to me a program way more interesting than UCLA's for instance...)

Thank you everybody, congrats to who got admitted and best of luck to the others


I was offered a place in Rochester's VCS program last year. It's a very interesting program that has a larger focus than many typical cinema and media studies programs. Some excellent names have come out of that program (Darby English, to mention a fairly recent graduate). My impression is there is a lot of respect for the program, though of course much depends on the individual's own work as always. 

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Thank you, Swagato! I've learned so much about the application process through browsing your previous posts, which are incredibly informative and entertaining--you're a fantastic writer--so thanks for that too!


I was very shocked to get into U Chicago. I didn't get into USC, and it seems that I haven't been accepted into Cal either, both of which I thought would be a more obvious fit, so the adcom process is mystifying, to say the least. I'm coming straight from an undergrad degree (after a couple years of working), and I'm interested in doing research focusing on gender in musicals, melodrama and film noir. I'm really excited about the possibility of working with David Levin and Tom Gunning, but I still think Cal's program, especially with its strong gender studies focus, would have been a stronger fit for me.


I'd love to hear more about your interactions with Chicago's film department while you were in MAPH, if you have a little time, Swagato. What are your research areas?

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I'm one of the 3 U Chicago admits that posted on the results page. I received an email telling me to log in to the application website, where an admissions letter and funding package were waiting for me, along with an invitation for the department's campus visit (they haven't stated the dates yet for the visit). I received the email on Friday, later than the other two admits, so don't give up hope yet! It was one of my dream schools, so I'm really excited!


Congratulations on UC Berkeley! I applied there as well (along with UCLA and USC) but haven't heard anything. Did you hear via email to check the website? What are your research interests?


Thanks! I got an email with a link to the website. There I found the official acceptance letter. I'm guessing all Chicago admits have been notified. They admit 3-4 applicants each year, no? My research interests revolve around the convergence of urbanity, the cinematic soundtrack, and montage in film. 


I have also been nominated by the department for a university fellowship at Berkeley but still don't understand what type of funding I will receive, if any, if I don't end up getting this fellowship. I find out about the fellowship on March 1st.  Does anyone know how film and media phd candidates are usually funded at Berkeley?

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I was offered a place in Rochester's VCS program last year. It's a very interesting program that has a larger focus than many typical cinema and media studies programs. Some excellent names have come out of that program (Darby English, to mention a fairly recent graduate). My impression is there is a lot of respect for the program, though of course much depends on the individual's own work as always.

Yes of course, I did not make my point clear. You see, the importance of cultural studies outside the english academia is very different - of course they do exist and are important, but they are just a slice of the cake. Besides all the fundamental issues relative to the personal path of each one of us, I felt that Rochester had a very different approach, possibly broader, than UCLA - I respect UCLA (I applied there) and the only presence of Sobchack as emerita is a great feature. But a great part of its faculty, if I don't go wrong, seems to me very strongly connected to the cultural approach. They won't probably admit me, so whatever, but I know that in case I would have had to work hard to find my way. Because of my personal interest I recognize also UC Irvine as a best fit for me, very intriguing.

But being in this forum is very important to me, as I am starting to understand how you see your Universities - you look at them in a way more different manner than we do here in Europe. And this is somehow funny :)

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Congratulations on the admits, everyone!


I have some information about Chicago, although I haven't heard back from them. They are admitting 7 students this year and have already notified all of them. As usual, there is no wait list. The visiting period for admitted students should be in early April.


The only schools I've heard back from are Pittsburgh and Indiana. The former was an acceptance, the latter a rejection. They seem to have emailed out all of their rejections on the same day, February 14th. Has anyone else heard from Pittsburgh? Also, is anyone on the wait list at Indiana (just out of curiosity) - do they even have a wait list?


Sorry, I don't know anything about Brown, USC, UCLA, or Rochester.

Edited by timbodi
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I haven't posted in here yet, but I figured I could help.  I received rejections from Pitt (today), Duke, and Ohio State.  I was accepted to UW-Milwaukee PhD in Media, Cinema and Digital Studies in English.  I am still waiting to hear from Syracuse, Rochester, and U of Chicago.  Has anyone heard from them yet?

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Is it insane to expect final answers in this last week of Feb, no matter how much predictable these answer will be? From what I read, it seems to me that official admissions are usually confirmed by mid-March... Anxiety is killing me, I don't get why some Departments keep me "under review" when it looks pretty obvious that they have chosen someone else...  :wacko:

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I've heard back from 3 of the 4 programs I applied to (USC, UCLA, Chicago). I'm not sure which schools do waitlists, but it's not out of the question that you haven't heard back because you've been put on either an official or unofficial waitlist... it looks like in past years, people have waited until April to get acceptances! But if the anxiety's really getting to you, it probably wouldn't hurt to give the dept. administrator a call to check on your application and see if you can get any info about the size of the admitted class, etc.


Hope you hear back from some places soon! I'm personally waiting on an imminent rejection from my fourth school (Berkeley). :P I assume they have their reasons for not making it official yet, but who knows.

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Just received official communication from Tisch of my being in the wait list (I suppose they told me before by phone in a somehow unofficial way). The simple fact of receiving an email has cheered me up - and considering the pack of rejection sent yesterday I assumed that my rejection was on its way too... But it was not (yet). So: more stress to come, but I still have some (little, tiny, fragile) chance. Fingers crossed :)

On a more serious tone: I am impressed how fast the process of decision making with NYU was and how slow is (apparently) for what concern other universities.

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Hope you hear back from some places soon! I'm personally waiting on an imminent rejection from my fourth school (Berkeley). :P I assume they have their reasons for not making it official yet, but who knows.

Thank you! :) you called it! And I hope that you will not receive such any bad news, maybe some good ones instead!

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Hey everyone! I'm happy to have found this post. I am currently going crazy while waiting. 
I applied to USC, American University, University of Miami, NYFA, and SCAD. Through the USC website it seems that I have been admitted (it asks me to accept the offer for fall 2014) but I haven´t received an email, letter, or interview. I also haven´t heard from any other schools.



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Hey everyone! I'm happy to have found this post. I am currently going crazy while waiting. 

I applied to USC, American University, University of Miami, NYFA, and SCAD. Through the USC website it seems that I have been admitted (it asks me to accept the offer for fall 2014) but I haven´t received an email, letter, or interview. I also haven´t heard from any other schools.



Well, a USC acceptance is certainly something to celebrate! Congrats.

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