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Wait List Issues

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I thought I would start a thread for people who are on wait lists at various programs and need to commiserate or just ask questions about how it works. My main concern is, how can I wait for an offer without missing the deadlines from other programs? I asked one program about an extension on the deadline but they said it won't be possible. Can I accept an offer and then turn it down if I am taken off the wait list? I really have no clue about any of this.

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i was wait-listed at WWS. for whatever it's worth, in their letter, they wrote "You will probably accept admission at another University while waiting to hear from us. If you are offered admission, you can decide whether to accept our offer and to decline the one you had previously accepted. All professional schools of public policy have alternate or waiting lists. It is not unethical to change schools, but you may be required to forfeit any enrollment deposit you have made."

in short, it sucks that you have to wait even longer. but i wouldn't worry about blurring any ethical lines--there seems to be a recognition on the part of public policy/ir schools that it's natural to commit to a program and potentially back out if taken off the wait-list.

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Exactly what I needed to know! Thank you very much and I hope you get an offer at WWS, if that is what you want! I may end up accepting offers at more than one place, bc my SO is on three wait lists, so we have no idea what is going to happen at this point. Good luck to everyone else who is in WL limbo.

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No, that's exactly how wait lists are supposed to work. In early June, there will be a small burst of movement as people drop their spots to take wait list offers, and then the schools they abandon will in turn go to their wait lists... and so on, until each school is at yield, runs out the wait list, or starts the semester.

My question: I'm seriously tempted to put myself on the MSFS wait list. I'm accepted outright at SAIS, HKS, SIPA and Fletcher. Am I just being too much a perfectionist? I really do think it's my #1 (don't worry, not mailing the letter until I've done visit days at the other four - I could well allow myself to fall in love with one of them, I suppose.)

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My question: I'm seriously tempted to put myself on the MSFS wait list. I'm accepted outright at SAIS, HKS, SIPA and Fletcher. Am I just being too much a perfectionist? I really do think it's my #1 (don't worry, not mailing the letter until I've done visit days at the other four - I could well allow myself to fall in love with one of them, I suppose.)

I'd say that it depends entirely on what you want to work with afterwards. If you want to work in the Foreign Service then sure, get on the MSFS wait list. If you want to work in the private sector, an IO, think tank or NGO, then one of the other school is probably just as good or better. Also depending on your area of focus, of course.

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MSFS is not only great for Foreign Service, it is great for all sectors! MSFS has the total package: academics, career opportunities, location, alumni, networking, cost of living, etc. It may not rank at the top in all the areas, but they rank high enough. I think about it like a sports team. Do you want a strong offense with a weaker defense, or a strong defense with a weaker offense? Personally, I like a balance between the two and I feel MSFS meets that balance for me. Hands down you can't go wrong with it, but you are already in some top schools and people would kill to have a spot in those schools. I think you are in a better place than most people and you will be pleased wherever you go. Good luck!

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Thanks for posting the response from WWS. I had two top choices accepted to one and waitlisted on other and was wondering same thing - that answers my question. I had assumed that was standard procedure but the comments in your waitlist letter looks to confirm.

Im assuming there is a big response end of April after 15th and then things will slow down to a trickle until classes start.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it would be very rare, if it happens at all. I am pretty sure that SFS, SIPA and SAIS do NOT offer any money to people who have been waitlisted and I cannot remember about LBJ school. Those are the only places I applied so I cant comment on other schools.

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I think the only way this would happen is if ALL students in a program receive funding. Think about it: if you were a student admitted in the initial round without funding and accepted the slot, would you not have serious cause for complaint if a wait-listed student were subsequently admitted WITH funding? Programs will not do this to first-round admits, because it is so obviously unfair.

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I think it all depends. If they really want to maintain their yield and fill the empty spots, then I think they MIGHT lure some people off the wait list with $$$

Sorry, but I think this is pure wishful thinking. Competitive programs do not need to offer funding to wait-listed students, because there will always be "takers" without funding. The programs make their waiting lists long enough so that they never have to "bid" for students. I'm not trying to burst anyone's balloon, just trying to encourage a sense of realism so that everyone can proceed with their decisions on an objective basis.

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Well, none of us knows how the wait list operates, so we're all speculating...lets wait and see what happens...some schools offer admission on the first day of classes...even a magician will not be able to secure funds/loans by then to attend that institution. I think schools will certainly provide some sort of aid in such exceptional cases, but it all depends on what they want and the demographics/background of the incoming class....

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For what it's worth, NYU Wagner confirmed for me yesterday that candidates admitted off the waitlist do not get funding. I asked what happens to scholarship money offered to students who decline, and was told their money goes into the pool for current students rather than being offered out to waitlist admits. I was also advised that if scholarship consideration is important to me, I might consider asking them to hold my app for spring semester admission, which is less competitive and does come with the possibility of scholarships.

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