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MA/PhD Comm Rankings

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Hey everyone,


After a few weeks (or months) of reading posts and learning a little more about the processes associated with graduate programs, I am still having some trouble going through and discerning between different comm programs in terms of quality. I know that NCA published their 2005 rankings for PhD, and that CIOS has some rankings for certain programs, but does anyone know of a source that will rank ALL programs for a given discipline? I'm looking specifically at Political Communication programs, and have no idea whether or not programs like LSU, American University, and George Washington are ranked, or how they relate in comparison to other ranked programs.


Any help would be most appreciated!

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Sadly, that is the study I am referring to. This seems to be a common enough issue, you would think (and hope) that they would care to update these rankings every decade at the very least.

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I can't provide a direct link - but if you have access to a database, you might look at these rankings:  "Measuring Quality in Communication Doctoral Education Using Network Analysis of Faculty-Hiring Patterns" (Barnett, Danowski, Feeley and Stalker, 2010)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know their ranking but if you are looking at political communication you should consider the University of Oklahoma.  They have a Political Communication Center and many of the faculty have political communication interests/publications.  http://pcc.ou.edu/

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I don't know their ranking but if you are looking at political communication you should consider the University of Oklahoma.  They have a Political Communication Center and many of the faculty have political communication interests/publications.  http://pcc.ou.edu/

"They" in this case is "you" I take it?

Not saying you shouldn't advertise your school but it makes sense to actually advertise YOUR school then, doesn't it? Since you can totally give cool insider information on it, I suppose.

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Yes, I attend OU but I've been here all of 3 weeks and I really don't have insider information on the political communication program, other than that they have one and faculty have interests in it.  My area of study does not fall within the political realm and I doubt I will have much interaction with the faculty who focus in that area.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oklahoma was in fact already on my list of schools to apply to, so thanks for that. I think the best course of action at this point is to talk to my professors and try and get more information from them and their contacts at other unviersities.


Thanks everyone!


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