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Governments should offer a free university education to any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition.


University education should be accessible by students who meet the requirements, but this fails to be the case because of high tuition fees, and a corresponding myriad of families that cannot afford such fees. Government should implement a policy that will offer free university education to any admitted student who cannot afford tuition. But such a policy must have certain conditions.


Government should make sure that only indigent students who meet certain criteria enjoy this free education policy. Government can say that only esurient students admitted with certain scores in their university entrance examinations, and good academic records should benefit from this policy. In Nigeria, the federal government conducts a general test for these students, ferrets out the good ones and put them on scholarships throughout their stay in the university. This helps the government bypass the cost it would have incurred funding a totally free education policy. Furthermore, this policy will give these students the opportunity of achieving something in life.


Proponents against this view will argue that such a policy deprives many other indigent students from getting university education. Government funds are limited, and there are other social problems that have to be solved in any country. Thus, private establishments should also help in funding university education for these students. For example, in oil producing areas in Nigeria, oil companies like TOTAL, SHELL BP, and MOBIL give university scholarships to indigent students in communities where they operate.


Conclusively, university education is important, as it may be the only chance these students have to live a better life, but it is sad that it is not available to all. Government must continue to try to make university education free for indigent students who meet the mark.


Dont rate it, just tell me if the points are coherent and clear.    I FIND IT HARD TO CREATE POINTS TO SUPPORT MY POSITION......IT TAKES ME HOURS.  ANY ADVICE? THANKS

Edited by dicapino
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You might address why it is in the nation's interest for the government to fund students' education. You do not address any points about the role of the government or why national resources should go to fund individuals' education. You approach this topic strictly in terms of how this will benefit individuals (it will allow them to have a better life), but you offer no reasoning that indicates why funding individual pursuits' is appropriate for the government or in the best interest of the nation.

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It is not a matter of taking extremes -- you need to be able to justify your position, to present an argument that renders your main claim logical and convincing. The claim is that the government should fund a free education for those in need. So you need to have REASONS why the government should do this. Those reasons can connect to the role of the government, the benefit of funding individuals' education to the nation, etc. But there is nothing in your essay that says WHY the government should fund private individuals' education. If you were to argue that the individuals would then have to give so many years to the government in service -- teaching in underprivileged areas, serving in various capacities, etc. you would have a more convincing argument which would show that the government's funding individuals' education can be beneficial to the country and the individual.

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