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International Development Applicants 2014/15 for SOAS, IHEID, LSE or Sciences Po?


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Same here!!


Same here!!!

I'm just glad I'm on the east coast (US) so that I only have to wait until about noon to see if there is any news for the day. I don't know what I'd do, or how I'd be productive if I had to wait throughout my entire workday. LOL

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I'm just glad I'm on the east coast (US) so that I only have to wait until about noon to see if there is any news for the day. I don't know what I'd do, or how I'd be productive if I had to wait throughout my entire workday. LOL

Bluebird..I am thinking of waking up around mid-night, (Central Time) to see if they would  send out email about the decision... if not, I am telling myself "I will not check IHEID email for a week." Lets see how much I can keep up my promise :D

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Bluebird..I am thinking of waking up around mid-night, (Central Time) to see if they would  send out email about the decision... if not, I am telling myself "I will not check IHEID email for a week." Lets see how much I can keep up my promise :D

Good luck with that! lol

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Thank you everyone,

@ angie k.. I got the funding, and I received the reply via the follow up page..

However, I am confused about what offer should I actually accept. SciencesPo or Geneva?

I met an IHEID PhD alumni a few hours ago, and he strictly advised me to select SciencesPo for master and join IHEID for a doctoral program which has confused me totally because IHEID was always my first preference. Any inputs?

All the best to all those who are expecting results.


Okay! Thanks for the info. Congrats once again. 



I do not want to play this waiting game anymore.........................


Yes me too. Lets plan for Paris. :D 

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Has anyone received an admission letter yet? Their mail once said they'd start sending results from 1st to 14th of March.Its 6th already! The anxiety is gnawing at my insides....*sigh*


Hi lyanuloluwa. Welcome to the forum!

What programme did you apply to? We've heard of two responses to interdisciplinary programmes thus far: The_Freak and a friend of k_angie's, both of whom were accepted to MDEV yesterday. With regard to disciplinary programmes, there's lui_aragon (IR/PSc) and lily.sirus (LLM) who have been admitted. I'm not too sure if anyone else has.


Did you also receive the email from IHEID last night regarding the admission process? It was sent around 6.30pm Swiss time.

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Hi lyanuloluwa. Welcome to the forum!

What programme did you apply to? We've heard of two responses to interdisciplinary programmes thus far: The_Freak and a friend of k_angie's, both of whom were accepted to MDEV yesterday. With regard to disciplinary programmes, there's lui_aragon (IR/PSc) and lily.sirus (LLM) who have been admitted. I'm not too sure if anyone else has.


Did you also receive the email from IHEID last night regarding the admission process? It was sent around 6.30pm Swiss time.

Hi Caffeinated,

Thank you. i got the one that began with "we are happy to ..." i screamed and virtually heard a victory themed soundtrack play in my head till  i read the rest of the mail. All the euphoria, joy ...well you get the picture. At least im happy they still sent me a mail. I applied to mdev. Is that the same programme you applied to as well?

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Hi Caffeinated,

Thank you. i got the one that began with "we are happy to ..." i screamed and virtually heard a victory themed soundtrack play in my head till  i read the rest of the mail. All the euphoria, joy ...well you get the picture. At least im happy they still sent me a mail. I applied to mdev. Is that the same programme you applied to as well?


:) Seems we all had pretty much the same experience. And yep, I'm an MDEV applicant as well.

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Im sorry, just saw that your name is mych. *covering face* its pretty obvious im a newbie, lol.


No worries, it happens. What's in a name? That which we call a rose..

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idk why but i didn't feel it was the decision mail when i saw it...perhaps it's because i've already become used to the idea of not getting the result till next week.

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hi :)


Welcome to the thread. 


Is IHEID your top choice too? What other schools have you applied to? 

thank you k_angie,

i've not appliedto any other school. i know it sounds nuts, but thats the honest truth.

what other schools have you applied to?

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idk why but i didn't feel it was the decision mail when i saw it...perhaps it's because i've already become used to the idea of not getting the result till next week.

I so wanted it to be the decision mail that i believed it was. The words "we are happy to..."only worsened matters.

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thank you k_angie,

i've not appliedto any other school. i know it sounds nuts, but thats the honest truth.

what other schools have you applied to?

Oh well I applied to only one school too last year and that too IHEID. Was rejected but anyway not trying to scare you or bring your morale down. :/

Anyway I have applied to 9 schools, have been accepted at 8 of them. Only IHEID is left. Check my signature :D

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Oh well I applied to only one school too last year and that too IHEID. Was rejected but anyway not trying to scare you or bring your morale down. :/

Anyway I have applied to 9 schools, have been accepted at 8 of them. Only IHEID is left. Check my signature :D

*sigh* i doubt if i can be any more anxious than i already am, so my morale is intact.

Happy for you though.... i'm sure you deserve every admission letter you got. :)

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*sigh* i doubt if i can be any more anxious than i already am, so my morale is intact.

Happy for you though.... i'm sure you deserve every admission letter you got. :)

Haha thanks :)

Good luck!

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I don't know if everyone did, but certainly many of us received emails from IHEID on 23rd January with information on their student accommodation at the Edgar de Picciotto Student House as well as the application process (deadline was 19th February).

According to IHEID the email was sent to everyone who applied, and has no bearing whatsoever on our odds of admission. I'd recommend checking with IHEID if you haven't heard anything about accommodation.

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It's remarkable how much quieter this thread has become as compared to yesterday. Looks like IHEID's email does seem to have had an effect.

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