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Research Request - Current Psychology Grad Students


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Dear Student,


How confident are graduate students in their ability to conduct suicide risk assessments? Your help is needed to learn more about this important process!


You are being asked to participate in study designed to evaluate a new measure of suicide risk assessment self-efficacy. To participate, you must (a) be at least 18 years old and (B)be currently enrolled in a graduate level psychology, counseling, or social work program in the U.S.


If you meet these criteria and are interested in participating, you would complete a 30-minute online survey. Your participation is completely voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any time. Your responses would remain anonymous (IP addresses will NOT be recorded), and only those directly involved with the research would have access to the data. You will not receive any future requests for participation.


To get started, please follow this link: www.surveymonkey.com/s/srass


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me (ingridhogge@siu.edu) or my research supervisor, Dr. Yu-Wei Wang (study@siu.edu).


Thank you,
Ingrid Hogge


This project has been reviewed and approved by the SIUC Human Subjects Committee.  Questions concerning your rights as a participant in this research may be addressed to the Committee Chairperson, Office of Sponsored Projects Administration, SIUC, Carbondale, IL 62901-4709.  Phone (618) 453-4533.  E-mail:  siuhsc@siu.edu

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