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Help With Duke Div


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Hey Guys,

Does anyone have suggestions for getting into Duke Div? I got in other places, but this is my number one choice.

I'm going for my M.Div.

I'm sending my app out on Weds.

GPA 3.47

UG-Theology and Religious Studies

Language- Arabic (one year)

Work Exp.-

3 years in part-time ministry

1 year as a research assistant at a non-profit.

Courses: 3 Philosophy, 15 Theology

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Hey thumbnail,

I really like what Ellen Davis is doing, especially in The Art of Reading Scripture

I'm a big fan of Stanley Hauerwas too,

Mostly what interests me is

Church History

Church and Culture (Religion and Sociology)

New Testament Studies (Mainly Mark)

But I'm going for an M.Div so the pastoral stuff is important too.

I'm at Jesuit college now and if you use the words like "social justice" and "serving" those click for them. So I'm also wondering what value sets click for Duke?

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  • 5 weeks later...


I'll begin at Duke div this fall. My guess is that you have heard something by now. Duke is unique in that the school really does value students interested in ministry. Your GPA looks good, but your ministry experience should really help you. Also, are you a declared candidate for ordination? Potential for future ministry is a big plus. Good luck and hope to see you there in the fall!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all,

This is my second post and I am curious about getting into Duke Divinity School's Master of Divinity degree. I was interested for the longest time in Harvard Divinity, but since they started to require the GRE, I have since gone back on applying there. I do not have time to take the GRE from now until the app is due in early January.

This being the case, what can you offer me as to the admissions of the M.Div. program at Duke? How hard (or simple) is it to get into the program? The only thing that hinders me is that I don't have that strong of a GPA. They seem to be the only school that explicitly states what minimum GPA they are looking for (2.75). Right now, I am currently at a 2.5-2.7 from previous terms. I am finishing up my final year at my school, and I will have an increased GPA by the time I leave.

What do you suggest I do in regards to a low GPA and getting in? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention that I am going into military chaplaincy and have been serving in two churches over the past nine years. The only reason I started serving in another church is because I moved to SoCal to attend school, and found a good church out here. I have been influenced by N.T. Wright, and I feel the environment that Richard Hays and Stanley Hauerwas put on is the type that I am looking for in ministry preparation.

Do help, I need all the help I can get! Oh, I'm also not UMC, I am from the Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ movement. I'm also applying to Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena, CA) and Princeton Theological Seminary (Princeton, NJ).

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