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Suspension from college and grad application chance


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Hi from Baku,


Everything was going on well till yesterday. I got my GRE(322), English proficiency scores, I have very good GPA 3.81. I saw questions on online application portals about academic suspension such:


Were you ever found responsible for a disciplinary violation at any college or university you attended, whether related to academic or behavioral misconduct, that resulted in your probation, suspension, or dismissal from that institution?
If you answered "Yes", please provide an explanation of the incident(s), including date(s) and terms of the resolution(s), including fines, suspension, probation.


I suspended from college(MA) last semester. I was accused of doing plagiarism in a midterm paper. It was an unfair penalty for me because I did nothing intentionally. However, I could not convince them and suspended. Beside this I have been very succesful and hardworking student since the begining of my education.


This suspension is not shown in my transcript.


I don't wanna answer the question 'NO'. Yet, a 'YES' and explanation would kill my chance.


Please I need advice...

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I am afraid that no school is going to accept a student suspended for plagiarism. Were you readmitted or the charges dropped?

Even if it doesn't show on your transcript how are you going to find someone to five you a letter of recommendation?


A word of warning: if they find out you lied on your application you can be kicked out. Imagine being one semester from graduation and they find out you lied. Suddenly you're not allowed to get your PhD! Also, you may have to pay back any tuition that the school paid for you. So then you'd be out thousands of dollars, no PhD and no good explanation for what you spent your time doing when you're forced to go on the job market!


It's just bad news all around. So don't lie, have one of your references explain it (if you are able to).

Edited by iphi
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I don't have much insight, other than best wishes for you.


A friend of mine was punished for aiding plagiarism when his code work (whatever that means... he studies physics, so?) was stolen (his signature was still programmed into it). And he reported it being stolen, but apparently his report wasn't "sufficient." Crazy how those things can be, and I know he has goals of a Ph.D. program.

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I would tell the truth, and talk to your letter-writers about how they could mention that in their letters.


Did you "accidentally" use other people's words (happened to me b4, read something, and then thought I had thought of it), or what exactly happened? I'd probably attach a document explaining what happened, what I learned from it etc.

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