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History Twitter accounts


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This is a bit of a shameless plug, but I just started a twitter account for weird medicine quotes, I come accross in the process of research.  Please follow me https://twitter.com/AntiquatedMeds.  Also If you know of any other good history twitter accounts (or have one), post them here.

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@DavidRArmitage, the head of the Harvard history department, usually has good stuff. Also, @appendixjournal, which is an academic history-oriented online magazine. A lot of historians on Twitter also use the hashtag #twitterstorians and you can usually find a lot of stuff that way (maybe as a way to start looking for people/organizations on Twitter in your field).

Edited by czesc
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Some of you may find these interesting


LSE International History - https://twitter.com/lsehistory


Ottoman History Podcast - https://twitter.com/OttomanHistory


National Archives UK - https://twitter.com/UkNatArchives


History in Pictures - https://twitter.com/HistoryInPix


Lost Islamic History - https://twitter.com/LostIslamicHist


48 Arab-Israeli War - https://twitter.com/1948War

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I'll plug my own work; I'm deep into the world of federal government social media, and I put out tons of stuff as the African Burial Ground National Monument (http://www.twitter.com/afburialgrndnps) and Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument (http://www.twitter.com/harrietubmannps)

That said, there is the official list of hundreds of historians on twitter which can be found here: http://www.activehistory.co.uk/historians-on-twitter/index.php?page=1

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