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meeting poi


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Hi there,

So i am attending an exhbition opening very soon, and i just learned that one of my pois is attending! I have met him briefly last year and i have been very interested in working with him for almost all my art history career. I am planning to apply his program this fall (which dues in a week). Do u think i should approach him tomorrow and just introduce myself and tell him that i am appying? What would be the best way to do it? Im so exciting but also intimidated.

i really need your help..any suggetions and advices would be most appreciated! Thank you!!

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definitely approach. I don't think that's weird at all. I've met one of my POIs recently in her office, and that was the best thing I did in this application cycle. Even if the meet will be brief, at least when he reviews the application materials, he'll already have heard of your name. that can't hurt.

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Thank you annie!! That professor actually didn't show up that day. anyway, I'm going to "bump" into another professor very soon..will definitely approach him! Thank you so much!

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I had written to all my POI's before I applied. In fact, I made sure I visited most of the departments I applied to before I applied. I understand that that's not really done anymore, and my own department discourages it these days, but having built a relationship - any kind of relationship that leaves a good impression - will work in your favor when they sift through 250 applications... 

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