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Sure. For what it's worth I also got rejected from Washington.


Undergrad Institution: Good east coast state school (unsure of reputation in mathematics)

Majors: Math (statistics track), Economics

GPA: 3.9

Type of Student: Domestic

GRE Scores:

Q: 164

V: 167

W: 4.5

Math/stat classes: Real Analysis I & II, Probability and Statistics Theory, Econometrics, no graduate classes

Research Experience: Some experience at my internship, no co-authorships or anything though

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Dean's list, some merit scholarships

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Have interned at a government statistical agency for over a year now

Any Miscellaneous Points that Might Help: My guess is my recommendations, especially one from my supervisor at my internship, and my work experience helped a lot, but I can't know for sure.



Goes to show how important the one part of our applications that we can't see (i.e. recommendations) are. My background is very very similar to your own, and I didn't even apply to Harvard because it's Harvard and I figured there was zero chance of me getting in.

Edited by CauchyProcess
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I did a quick search and I see Iowa has a deadline of Feb. 15. Oregon State has Feb. 1 deadline too.



I think I might submit apps for Iowa, Oregon State, and Florida. I wouldn't worry about hassling the LOR writers. If they already wrote the LORs, it should only take a short while to resubmit them.

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In case anyone was interested, I emailed Harvard and they said all decisions have been made and all applicants will be notified of results in the next few weeks.


Not sure what that means for those who have not been accepted. I doubt there is another round of acceptances.

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Yeah I've given up hope on Harvard, long shot anyways. I wonder why they notify their acceptances earlier than rejections.

Probably applying to Florida/SDSU later tonight.


Yeah, I'd guess Harvard is all but done with acceptances since it's not likely many will decline.

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Yeah, I'd guess Harvard is all but done with acceptances since it's not likely many will decline.


I'm not sure.  Harvard's statistics department isn't nearly as strong as the overall brand of the university, and I think many people (especially international students) apply there just because of the name.  They have a few strong people (e.g. Samuel Kou) working in some very narrow areas, but there are a number of other places I would take over Harvard for a graduate education (Stanford, UPenn, UChicago, Berkeley, Washington, to name a few).

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FWIW, I also never heard back from UW (acceptance or rejection). I e-mailed their graduate admissions committee to inquire about my status, but they didn't get back to me... so I infer I'm being considered for their waitlist still, but who knows.


Has anyone heard back from UW about waitlist?

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Regarding Michigan: I think it is coming soon.

An adcom checked my googlesite last week.


Regarding UW: They said the waitlist will be finalized in the coming weeks. Just because you have not been rejected/accepted, does not necessarily mean we are on the waitlist. They told me all this, and said to inquire again in a few weeks.

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