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What's the first school you might hear back from?


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Haha I feel the same way. Well considering that the school on that big list here that is first and also in my list is rochester, I'm guessing perhaps rochester? Though rochester isn't nearly my first choice, so hopefully it'll be some other schools...


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UC-Riverside and Duke seem to notify people fairly early. 


I don't really care which school notifies me first, as long as it's an acceptance. :)   Then I can breathe easy for the rest of the season. 

Edited by MattDest
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UC-Riverside and Duke seem to notify people fairly early. 


I don't really care which school notifies me first, as long as it's an acceptance. :)   Then I can breathe easy for the rest of the season. 


Getting an early acceptance would be nice. A friend of mine got into her top choice last year, very early on. The rest was gravy. 

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apparently northwestern... then berkeley, but I'm pretty freaked out because berkeley is my first choice and I'd hate to be crushed so early 


I know what you mean, Berkeley vacillates between my first and second choice program. Thankfully my other favorite program seems to notify quite late! (I say thankfully since I find this psychologically helpful). Most of the programs I have a better shot at apparently notify in February so if I don't get any notifications then I'll be a little discouraged 

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Based on the WGI thread from last year (and the year before that), Berkeley had two rounds of acceptances, one early and one late. So if you don't hear from them when the first round of acceptances occurs, don't give up yet. 

Thanks! that does make me feel better. 

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