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Is it okay to contact my school?


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One of the places I applied at (Aurora University) uses a rolling admissions system. Just wondering if it would be okay to contact my school to ask when I will hear about an admissions decision? Obviously I don't want to come off as pushy. Did anyone else contact their schools?

The other schools I applied at were University of Wisconsin Green Bay, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and Augsburg College. The two Wisconsin schools said that I would find out in "Early Spring" and Augsburg has not given me any approximate time I was also thinking about contacting them just to ask if they had any idea.

So, good idea to contact the schools, or is it better for me to just wait?


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I don't think there is any harm in contacting them as long as you are polite about it. I contacted Michigan several weeks before my acceptance, but all they could tell me was that I was guaranteed a decision statement by March 1st.

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Well it depends. How long ago did you apply? If it was only a few weeks ago, I would wait. 4-6 (more toward 6) seems acceptable to me, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I went ahead and contacted Aurora, since they have rolling admissions. I called the general graduation admissions office and told the receptionist that all of my materials had been submitted for about a month now and I was just calling to make sure that I did not need to submit anything else. She sounded surprised that I had not been notified of a decision yet and asked the last date that my last item had been marked received on my application status page. She then transferred me to someone from the MSW program and told me to leave a message. I did, and this well over a week ago and I still haven't heard anything. I left my name and number and application reference number. I'm wondering if I should call again or not?  I really don't want to come off as pushy.

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I'm trying to fight the urge to call again for the second time too for one of the schools I applied to. It's been three months since my last application was confirmed as complete and forwarded to review. I called three weeks ago & they said its in the second stage of review... So I guess it does take a long time for them to get through applications! Since it's only been a month I would sit right for another few weeks :) good luck!

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Thanks! The part that had me worried was that on my application status nothing changed after I submitted everything, it never said "under review" or anything to tell me that they even knew that my application was complete other than that there was a check mark by each item. But when I called the receptionist didn't say that I needed to do anything more so I guess I should just sit back and wait. Good luck to you as well!

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Finally got my acceptance letter in the mail today from Aurora! But they said I have 30 days to send in a $200 deposit to reserve my place...not only do I want a chance to tour the school before I make this big decision, but I'm not sure if I'll have heard back from my other schools by then? Ahhh! Do you think it's possible to call and ask for an extension on this so that I can make my decision later? The program starts in Fall.

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Yay!!! Congrats!!! That's awesome :) I'm not sure what I would do in your position but is Aurora your first or second choice? If you aren't strapped for money, I would send in the deposit money just in case to secure a spot :) I mean if you don't feel bad about not getting that money back if you decide to go to another school! I'm sure this happens a lot which is why a lot of wait list ppl start getting admitted in May or June when ppl who have been admitted start dropping out of the programs they put deposits on.. I think that's normal? But don't quote me on that, I'm not really sure. Again congrats!

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Thank-you! I'm really excited but really worried that I have to choose so soon. I did talk to one of my professors today and asked him what I should do and he said it was really atypical for a graduate program to do this. He's going to talk to some other professors and get some feedback and get back to me. So hopefully they have some good advice. I'm thinking he's going to advise me to call and ask for an extension but he wants to get some other opinions first.

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Aurora is not my first choice, by the way, Augsburg is. Augsburg's program is extremely small so my chances of getting in are not strong. Aurora falls somewhere in the middle, I haven't decided if I would prefer Green Bay or Aurora. That's another reason I wanted more time to visit the campus and such. I have a road trip planned for the second weekend in March.

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Finally got my acceptance letter in the mail today from Aurora! But they said I have 30 days to send in a $200 deposit to reserve my place...not only do I want a chance to tour the school before I make this big decision, but I'm not sure if I'll have heard back from my other schools by then? Ahhh! Do you think it's possible to call and ask for an extension on this so that I can make my decision later? The program starts in Fall.


I interviewed with a program today that told me to let them know ASAP if any other program tried to make me do this. They said it is highly unethical, and that I should have until April 15 to decide. So I would first try contacting Aurora and explain the situation (you are excited about this opportunity, but don't want to make a final decision without hearing back from all schools, your other schools have an April 15 deadline, "isn't that standard?"). If they still insist on the 30 days I would contact the other programs you applied to and let them know the situation.

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Thank you so much for the input! I spoke with one of my professors and he told me to contact my other schools and see if there is any way I could possibly hear about an admissions decision earlier...I'm a little hesitant to do this. I think I am going to contact Aurora tomorrow and ask about more time to decide. Worst case scenario is they say no.

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Just spoke with someone from Aurora---I do not need to reserve my place in 30 days. I give them my answer by registering for classes which can be done anytime basically, but obviously the sooner I register the more classes I can choose from. I am so relieved. I guess she sent me an e-mail about this but it went into my spam folder. She just resent it to me now. Thanks for all your advice with my situation!

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Ok guys... now I need your help! I turned in my app Nov 6th, and three months and one week later, still nothing! They are rolling admissions, but still, I'm wondering whats taking so long. I did call a month ago and at first the admissions assistant couldn't find my application information in her database when I gave my name. Then she looks longer, and finally found it, telling me my app is in the second phase of review (two faculty members review the app and then they combine the scores) . That put my mind to ease knowing that my app is being reviewed, and that I haven't been rejected. She said it should be another couple of weeks, but now its been a month later! I really don't know what to think about this. I turned in my app super early, but I still haven't been notified three months later. Can't tell if this is a bad sign. I'm tempted to call again to find out about my application status, but not sure if that comes off pushy!

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I see that you're applying to all California schools which I've heard get a large volume of apps so I'm sure that plays a part here...still its been a long time so I don't think it would be pushy to call again and ask when you can expect a decision. Don't forget to check your spam folder! Good luck!

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