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Fall 2015 Applicants

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Hello All,


Just to reassure everyone applying to Rutgers who submitted their app on the 15th: the department has a longer application season this year. They've extended the deadline until the 22nd of December. So you should all be fine. The new deadline has been updated on the website.


Alright, maybe I'm reading too much into things, but does this suggest to anyone else that applications in general might be down this year? I keep getting that feeling, whether from the comparatively small number of active users on this site, or other indications like this one. Hmm...


Either way, thanks for the update, Metaellipses!

Edited by Wyatt's Torch
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I am hoping this is the case. While indeed concerns about the job market are warranted, a lot can change in 5+ years. The fact that such a popular program as Rutgers (one of my top choices) would extend the deadline makes me feel a tad better about my (and all of our) chances.

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I, too, think perhaps apps are down this cycle. But I really don't know.


hypervodka- For the life of me I cannot see anything in your post that would cause me concern. Your POI responsibly did what they said they would do - comment on your WS. It is very positive.

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I am cautiously optimistic about reduced app numbers this cycle but I didn't take the Rutgers news as possible confirmation of that. Could it not just be an extension of the deadline to mitigate the effects of that seemingly very confusing 24 hour wait-time, two-part application system?

Edited by 1Q84
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Hello All,


Just to reassure everyone applying to Rutgers who submitted their app on the 15th: the department has a longer application season this year. They've extended the deadline until the 22nd of December. So you should all be fine. The new deadline has been updated on the website.


Thank Jesus. I submitted my supplementary materials last night (including my new, improved, shiny, amazing, longer writing sample!), so I'm glad my app won't be considered late. 

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You guys, it is SO EXCITING to see so many people getting accepted into different schools already! I mean, I know they're not in our discipline - but holy crap, it's real! It's happening! Grad school is more than a surreal happy dream!




Ooof. Now to stuff myself with holiday foods until I find out if it'll be more than a surreal happy dream for ME...

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Finally finished with finals! One thing I have learned in grad school is how to pump out a research paper in about 4 hours. Jeez. Now time to take care of the rest of the stuff of my to do list that I've been ignoring...like the dishes...and my lost Amazon package...

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Finally finished with finals! One thing I have learned in grad school is how to pump out a research paper in about 4 hours. Jeez. Now time to take care of the rest of the stuff of my to do list that I've been ignoring...like the dishes...and my lost Amazon package...


I feel you so much on this. I just had my finals last week and the entire semester has been a living nightmare for me. I think I averaged about 4 hours of sleep per night just due to workload and stress. It's my last "real" semester of undergrad (I'm taking one last English class this upcoming semester because I need a measly two more credits), and I was beyond busy. Trying to put together my grad school applications was probably my #1 stressor though for sure.

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Update for those wondering, my prof still hasn't sent in his letter, despite the fact that I've resent the reminder email. I tried going by his office today, and he wasn't there. I guess I'll email him tomorrow. The due date was Monday!!! :(


Also, I am debating contacting the grad departments...

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Update for those wondering, my prof still hasn't sent in his letter, despite the fact that I've resent the reminder email. I tried going by his office today, and he wasn't there. I guess I'll email him tomorrow. The due date was Monday!!! :(


Also, I am debating contacting the grad departments...


It might be worth contacting grad departments, but I wouldn't fret too much about it. I know for our program, they don't expect to have all the letters of reference by the posted deadline, just the application materials that you can control. I don't know what the anticipated time to have all reference letter in is, but I'd imagine it would be the time that the faculty members convene to go over the apps and narrow down the pool.

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In today's academic melodrama, Episode Eleventy-Million:


Getting accepted to present at the 2015 International Society of Anglo-Saxonists conference in Glasgow = OMG amazing.

Getting accepted FOUR DAYS after I submitted my application to my top choice school = WHYYYY?

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hreaðemus- where were you accepted? I cannot tell if these two instances (the other being that acceptance at U of I-UC) of being accepted mere days after submitting an application is a positive occurrence or not.    

Edited by HesseBunuel90
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Oh! Perhaps I phrased my post poorly. I was accepted to the conference four days after I applied to Berkeley; I didn't get accepted to Berkeley itself! I'm just sad because I could have put the conference on my CV and given myself a better chance!

Also, thanks Wyatt's Torch!!! Don't put too much faith in me though - I've only applied to six schools, and the numbers game says that's a pretty big risk. I'm far more likely to be rejected by all my schools than you are! :)

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Hi everyone, 


Checking in here to remind everyone checking emails to look in your spam as well. I just received an email from UCLA informing me that there were "minor discrepancies" in my personal information that prevented my application from being sent to the mainframe. And yep, it was in my spam box. I did follow their instructions in writing back but OF COURSE the offices (including the department to which I applied) are now closed until the new year...


Sigh. Why did they email it at 9PM PST, literally the day before they go off for the holidays?! [insert favorite expletives here in any language of your choice] 


I could be more upset, but I reminded myself that: 


1. I turned in all of my grades for the classes I taught in the fall semester, so now I'm officially on vacay/holiday, and more importantly, 


2. From my limited life experiences, if it is meant to work out it will, regardless of how much fretting/worrying I do over the whole thing. I did follow their instructions in getting back, so now it remains for me to sit back and wait. I wanted to reach out to the potential advisor there I spoke to over the summer, but this being holiday season and all, I don't want to come off as annoying. Though I may drop an email to him in about a week or so...


Here's to a scare-less holidays to all!

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I am applying for comp lit programs and was thinking I might be nuts that I applied to so many programs  (7).  Is that too few?  I applied to Minnesota, South Carolina, Michigan, Minnesota, Texas, Princeton and Yale.  

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Joining the "I found a typo in my submitted statement to 4 different schools" club. Is it worth contacting the department and trying to submit a revised copy? Or does that look worse? Also—who do I contact? DGS? Secretary? 



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I found a big error (half a sentence missing) in my writing sample and had to request one school to replace it. The grad student affairs officer (office admin) said I could submit a new copy with a headnote explaining why but I could not replace it, only set it alongside. YMMV!


That being said, I would definitely attempt to contact the respective office admins and see if you have better luck. I can't imagine that looks bad in any way.

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I am applying for comp lit programs and was thinking I might be nuts that I applied to so many programs  (7).  Is that too few?  I applied to Minnesota, South Carolina, Michigan, Minnesota, Texas, Princeton and Yale.  


Hi nuclearves, 


Like so much of the application process, it all depends! FWIW, I applied to seven programs as well. 


I believe that everyone has a reason for their number. I decided on the seven I did apply to for several reasons: 1. I want to work with very particular literature and languages, and not all US universities have departments/faculty who work in that field; 2. I want to be at an institution with ample resources for the subject of my research, e.g., libraries, research centers; and 3. I need deep-pocketed institutions that are able to offer full funding for 5-6 years. 


Again, FWIW, I applied to a whopping two programs when I applied for an MA in IR four years ago. Friends and family suggested that I apply to more schools, but I only applied to two because I could only see myself attending those two out of the myriad of possibilities out there. By selecting such a small number of schools, I was able to tailor my materials for each program. This time around, I tailored my materials for my top choice and then tried to make them fit, more or less, to the rest of the schools. 

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