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On 1/21/2015 at 7:01 PM, BLeonard said:

Oh, I didn't know we weren't supposed to hang around the forums if our applications were incomplete. Still waiting on a prof's recommendation for 3 programs, but everything else is done...


Sillyrabbit, didn't mean to come off as rude. :) I'm applying to English programs at Columbia, Princeton, WashU, Rutgers, Harvard, Cornell, UPenn, and CUNY, and Am. Studies programs at Yale and Brown. 


Don't worry, that's just advice I got from a friend! I get nervous really easily, so I wanted to be completely done with everything before I started posting.


Nice to meet you!

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Oh, I didn't know we weren't supposed to hang around the forums if our applications were incomplete. Still waiting on a prof's recommendation for 3 programs, but everything else is done...


Sillyrabbit, didn't mean to come off as rude. :) I'm applying to English programs at Columbia, Princeton, Brandeis, Rutgers, Harvard, Cornell, UPenn, and CUNY, and Am. Studies programs at Yale and Brown. 


Oh no, you didn't come off as rude. :)


That's a great list! We definitely have some overlap for sure.


I'm applying to UCBerkeley, Harvard, UPenn, Duke, Michigan, and UCLA for English PhD programs; Stanford MTL, Yale, Brown, UC Davis - Cultural Studies, USC, Minnesota, and NYU for American Studies

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Great list. I had considered NYU's programs but decided not to (I went there for undergrad, briefly, and didn't have the best experience). I'd be over the moon if I got into Yale's American Studies program, though, considering some of my intellectual heroes teach in that department. 

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OK, will try to hang in there for a few more weeks...


BTW, love the new picture---love Foucault!


I understand the feeling though... seeing acceptances rolling in for schools I didn't even apply to is stressful in and of itself! 


(And thanks! I see there's a user called YoungFoucault with the same picture though so I might have to change it... :P)

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I understand the feeling though... seeing acceptances rolling in for schools I didn't even apply to is stressful in and of itself! 


Same here. It's one of the things that tells me that application season is not an ideal state for human beings but rather one step closer to bat shit craziness.

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Same here. It's one of the things that tells me that application season is not an ideal state for human beings but rather one step closer to bat shit craziness.

The unadulterated truth. My family, friends, and co-workers have all been asking me if I'm "alright" lately because I seem to out of it. It's almost like a dream state, except not really. It's weird. Ever since I submitted my applications I have felt like I'm in a fog that I can't escape.

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Great list. I had considered NYU's programs but decided not to (I went there for undergrad, briefly, and didn't have the best experience). I'd be over the moon if I got into Yale's American Studies program, though, considering some of my intellectual heroes teach in that department. 


I mostly applied to NYU because I could see myself working with multiple professors, so I thought they'd be a great fit. I'm curious, what did you not particularly like about NYU's programs in general? Feel free to PM me, if you'd like.

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Video interview invite from Michigan! Non-English national lit department. Have about a week before the interview. Very excited!!!! Hoping that everyone else hears good news soon!


You'll do amazingly! Congrats :) (oh, I thought the interview was for acceptance but I see in the results board it's for a fellowship and you already have acceptance? Double congrats!!)

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You'll do amazingly! Congrats :) (oh, I thought the interview was for acceptance but I see in the results board it's for a fellowship and you already have acceptance? Double congrats!!)


I wish I had the acceptance + fellowship! The interview is pre-acceptance. The results board isn't me---not yet, anyways. ;) I haven't uploaded info on there yet---will do soon. 


I had assumed I wasn't going to hear back from any schools until February and now that I have I've been caught in a whirlwind all morning. I'm still at my parents' where I don't have most of my application materials so I'm trying to come up with a prep list for myself---I'll be taking the interview at my place back in Korea next week. So much to do but very excited!

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Hello all... new to this. Have checked my e-mail close to 50 times already since this morning hoping for something... and figured I'd be more productive and join this site (especially since I've been lurking around these boards as a guest for the last few weeks). So, here's to comraderie and anxiety! And congrats on the acceptances and the recent Michigan interview. Was it U of M or Michigan State?

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Hello all... new to this. Have checked my e-mail close to 50 times already since this morning hoping for something... and figured I'd be more productive and join this site (especially since I've been lurking around these boards as a guest for the last few weeks). So, here's to comraderie and anxiety! And congrats on the acceptances and the recent Michigan interview. Was it U of M or Michigan State?



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I understand the feeling though... seeing acceptances rolling in for schools I didn't even apply to is stressful in and of itself! 



Yes it is. I almost wish I had known which schools decided early just so I could have a result already, even a negative one. Waiting in limbo is no fun!

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I was checking elsewhere in the forums, and I found mixed reactions to replying to acceptance emails.
The DGS of one of my schools sent me a personalized welcome email today, and I'm not exactly sure how to respond.
I definitely want to thank this person for the acceptance and funding, but should I mention that I applied to other schools, and that I'm going to wait to accept/decline till I hear back from them?
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thank you for your insight!
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I think you just say that you're thrilled to be accepted, and that you look forward to making a decision after the process plays out.


There's a strange and sudden balance of power that occurs once you get an acceptance -- you go from being at the mercy of adcomms to them being somewhat at the mercy of your ultimate decision (albeit on a smaller scale). Fortunately they understand that you likely have options. It's pretty rare for someone to accept an offer of admission immediately, and they know this. Just be grateful and appreciative, and make sure you'll let them know as soon as you can.

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I was checking elsewhere in the forums, and I found mixed reactions to replying to acceptance emails.
The DGS of one of my schools sent me a personalized welcome email today, and I'm not exactly sure how to respond.
I definitely want to thank this person for the acceptance and funding, but should I mention that I applied to other schools, and that I'm going to wait to accept/decline till I hear back from them?
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thank you for your insight!



Congratulations on your acceptance! I had the same question and my mentor suggested that the best way to handle an acceptance is to thank them and let them know that you're seriously considering their offer. I'd also ask if there's a date that they need to hear from you by. I would imagine that any DGS knows that students don't apply to just one school and will need to weigh their options before making a choice. After all, they want you to be just as sure about them as they are about you.

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Hello all... new to this. Have checked my e-mail close to 50 times already since this morning hoping for something... and figured I'd be more productive and join this site (especially since I've been lurking around these boards as a guest for the last few weeks). So, here's to comraderie and anxiety! And congrats on the acceptances and the recent Michigan interview. Was it U of M or Michigan State?

Hi and welcome! Thanks so much for your kind words---my interview is with U of M. :)

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I was checking elsewhere in the forums, and I found mixed reactions to replying to acceptance emails.
The DGS of one of my schools sent me a personalized welcome email today, and I'm not exactly sure how to respond.
I definitely want to thank this person for the acceptance and funding, but should I mention that I applied to other schools, and that I'm going to wait to accept/decline till I hear back from them?
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thank you for your insight!



Email them immediately and thank them for the acceptance. As others have stated, ask if there's a date they are imposing for a response. There's a list of schools that follow the Council of Graduate Schools' suggestion of not taking away offers of funding if you don't respond by a certain date (it should be April 15).




But give them a written acknowledgment of the offer, and thank them, and say that you're considering their offer. Down the road, if you receive another offer from a program you know you're more likely to attend, formally decline the first offer so if there is a waitlist they can go to it sooner rather than later.

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Congratulations on your acceptance! I had the same question and my mentor suggested that the best way to handle an acceptance is to thank them and let them know that you're seriously considering their offer. I'd also ask if there's a date that they need to hear from you by. I would imagine that any DGS knows that students don't apply to just one school and will need to weigh their options before making a choice. After all, they want you to be just as sure about them as they are about you.



Email them immediately and thank them for the acceptance. As others have stated, ask if there's a date they are imposing for a response. There's a list of schools that follow the Council of Graduate Schools' suggestion of not taking away offers of funding if you don't respond by a certain date (it should be April 15).


Thank you for your advice! The offer won't be finalized till sometime in February, when they let me know if I have a fellowship. By then, maybe I'll have some more options to consider. 


Also, congratulations to all the Wisconsin admits! I'm a little bit jealous, but these are early days yet. 

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I'm officially freaking out seeing as last year Stanford and Berkeley started notifying January 31st. THAT'S ONE WEEK FROM TODAY (assuming they do Friday notifications.)


Edit: assuming those results are not fake-outs. 

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I'm officially freaking out as last year Stanford and Berkeley started notifying January 31st. THAT'S ONE WEEK FROM TODAY (assuming they do Friday notifications.)


*crawls under a rock* I'm not sure I can stand it. What's going to hurt more, the waiting or the knowing??! I'm so scared...



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