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Recycling SOP?


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I just got an email about applying for my field placement.  With this process I have to write a 2 page essay about what my goals are in this profession, what my interests are, and why I am pursuing this career.  I covered all of that in my SOP.  I am wondering if it is ok to use pieces of my SOP?   I feel like my SOP was some of my best work so I think it would be good to use.  Do you think that is a bad idea?  

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Not a bad idea at all. Think of an SoP like a cover letter. People reuse, recycle, and upcycle their cover letters for different jobs all the time. Just make sure to tailor the essay for the field placement to qualities and experiences they are looking for in a candidate.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree. I've definitely done this before. I would just make sure that they don't sound exactly the same. I'd also make sure you're tailoring it to the particular position you're applying for (like the person above mentioned).

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