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I'm accepted to 3 Ed.S. programs for school psychology. My favorite one is BRAND NEW therefore will not be NASP approved until after I graduate.

Has anyone else out there attended a non-nasp-approved program? If so, how did this effect finding a job for you?

Advice? Should I even be considering this school?


I'm accepted to 3 Ed.S. programs for school psychology. My favorite one is BRAND NEW therefore will not be NASP approved until after I graduate.

Has anyone else out there attended a non-nasp-approved program? If so, how did this effect finding a job for you?

Advice? Should I even be considering this school?


Until after you graduate? Terrible idea in my book! Maybe if it would be accredited while you were there, otherwise... no way. What's the point of spending all that time, money and effort if it doesn't get you a job?


That is what scares me! But one of the other programs I have been accepted to just got NASP approval last year and has been around a while, I have to believe some graduates from there had graduated before approval and were able to get jobs, although I know it is a completely different school and situation. My state only requires the NCSP to work, and I can get the NCSP without going to a NASP approved program - just need a portfolio and extra paper work in addition to the regular requirements for grads of NASP approved programs. I am worried if what I get from classes will be adequate enough for the NCSP though. They seem to be following NASP standards and the program appeals to me because it is also providing students with the BCBA. The other two programs just don't seem to fit with me as well, but again, I don't want to waste time and money and not be employed!  :unsure:


Usually schools report on their websites or in their handbooks (which can also usually be found online) where their graduates end up working.  If you can get your hands on this information maybe it will help your decision! This way you can see where the training they received got them


I've tried looking for two of the programs... The one that I am questioning about having nasp approval is new and doesnt have any graduates yet... I would be in their very first cohort


Oh I'm sorry! You mentioned that before; my mistake!

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