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Reconsidering HKS...What would you do?


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O.K. folks, here's my dilemma: I already accepted an offer of admission from HKS but after reading the threads "Is HKS worth the $130K in debt," I am not convinced I made the right decision. I was offered a half-tuition scholarship and will need to borrow roughly $25K-$30K per year. While a debt of $60K may not seem like a lot for a HKS degree, my total student loan debt will be well over $120K when added to the money I already borrowed to finance my undergrad and other graduate degee. That said, I have also recently been offered a full-ride to attend a university in Europe.

Money aside, I was initially attracted to HKS because of my desire to gain training in areas such as economics, advocacy, management, etc. (these courses would compliment my other master's degree nicely). In addition, I thought the programs and courses offered through the Harvard University Native American Program and other programs would provide some hand-ons experience in my area of interest (indigenous rights, rights to land, & economic development). The European university I would attend, however, has a strong indigenous studies program with an international focus and many of their graduates have moved on to careers in advocacy and governance. The only problem is that economics, financial management, etc. are not part of their curriculum (the curriculum is more focused on law, sociology, and resource management).

If I choose to attend university in Europe, I won't have to incur any further debt but I feel like I would be limiting myself to a career in advocacy or governance. Whereas, if I attend HKS I would acquire some skills that would make me more marketable and allow me to pursue different career options such as consulting.

Any advice?

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This isn't a choice about the programs anymore - once it's a choice this personal the grad cafe-goers are not going to be any help. Find a couple, maybe three people who know you really well and will be willing to spend an hour (each) as sounding boards. Talk about the choices - what you're most likely to regret taking the better financial deal, worrying aloud about the HKS debt - and then decide. Sleep on the decision, and repeat the pattern of conversations if you have strong second doubts. Then decide for good and don't look back.

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I wouldn't worry about debt when you're talking about Harvard, especially since you're getting a half-ride (I would kill a puppy - an extra adorable one - to have a half-ride at any school I applied to, let alone HKS).

Harvard is THE gold standard in academia for the entire world. My little Chinese landlady speaks about 100 words of English and "Harvard" is one of them. You're in at the best, they're giving you money, go for it.

Nobody who has a graduate degree from Harvard is living under a bridge. Don't worry about the debt.

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Money is not everything!

Yes, but on the flip side, HKS is not your new bicycle (or magic pony, or whatever) either. The value judgment between those two priorities is entirely personal.

That said, see you in the fall, runaround! fes, we'd love to see you too, if you decide it's worth it :)

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Yes, but on the flip side, HKS is not your new bicycle (or magic pony, or whatever) either. The value judgment between those two priorities is entirely personal.

That said, see you in the fall, runaround! fes, we'd love to see you too, if you decide it's worth it :)

Haha, sounds good zourah! See you in the fall. Money is an easy criteria because we have a good concept of its material (obviously!) and emotional worth. The other factors like community, friends, professors, location, experience, etc. are much harder to evaluate. Consequently, I think we overweight financial issues when making decisions like these. I just meant to remind those still deciding that money is only one of the factors!

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I agree it is a no brainer, but thats because i'm with the others in deciding to take $60k debt and accept the offer from Harvard. It is a really personal decision, but at the end of the day what will you regret in 10 years time? Yes debt does tie you down (I say this especially as a European where university is basically free!), but you only live once and there is no point regretting options not taken in years to come.

Good luck with your decision though, and if you do decide to come to Europe I'm sure you'll also have a great experience!

To others who have accepted, what are your plans for accomodation?

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Just want to thank everyone for their posts. I've talked to a few folks including a friend currently in the program, and I'm 90% certain that I'll be at HKS this fall. The 10% uncertainty is reserved for a permanent, full-time position that I just applied for--it's the kind of job that I would expect to get after HKS.

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Just want to thank everyone for their posts. I've talked to a few folks including a friend currently in the program, and I'm 90% certain that I'll be at HKS this fall. The 10% uncertainty is reserved for a permanent, full-time position that I just applied for--it's the kind of job that I would expect to get after HKS.

Those both sound like incredible options. Best of luck with everything.

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