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Stanford or Oxford? History Ph.D.


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Hi everybody,


I have been admitted to Stanford and Oxford for a Ph.D. in History and I am really torn between the 2 universities... any advice? I am Italian, so Oxford would be "closer" to home, family and friends, but I have always been dreaming of studying in the US. The British program is shorter (3 years), while the American is a 5-year program. I would have funding in both cases, so money is not an issue. Both universities are excellent, Oxford is higher in the History rankings, but I don't know if that means anything...


Thank you in advance for any information you can provide me with to help me make a choice!

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I'm shocked that someone wanting to study History would even ask this! Oxford! It's got the longest (or one of the longest) histories of any university! Plus, as you said, it's closer to home and a shorter program.

Edited by iphi
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Go to Oxford for study! You can always look at opportunities in the U.S. to study or travel in short stints. But for a long term situation, Oxford seems to be the happier choice. :) Also, I might be wrong, but I think it is common for universities to offer "study abroad" options. Oxford might have something similar to offer. Regardless, Oxford would have to win, hands down. You shouldn't miss a wonderful opportunity like this, that might be a one-time deal, when you always have the option to travel and study.  ^_^

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Thank you guys, I know Oxford is great, but I am wondering whether I would have more chances of finding a teaching position in the US after my Ph.D. if I go to Stanford....

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As someone who went to Oxford for a Master's and who is facing the same choice as you for a Ph.D., I would suggest you choose Stanford. First of all, the fact that the program is longer will allow you to study abroad (at Oxford, if you'd like). Secondly, you have to take in consideration the training offered at both universities. Stanford will offer you a well-rounded education including coursework and loads of opportunities to teach undergraduate classes. Oxford, on the other hand, is purely focused on research: you get there on the first day, meet with your supervisor and go off to the library to start researching. By the end of your DPhil, you'll be a great researcher, very well-versed in one particular topic. An American Ph.D. might not allow you to specialize quite as much, but it is well-rounded and gives you the skills to teach and research different topics. At the end of the day, you will be a lot more employable in the North American job market with a US Ph.D.  


Oxford is amazing and it has some of the best libraries in the world. In terms of supporting its students, however, it isn't comparable to top American programs. Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss this further! 

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