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MA at NYU vs. PhD at SUNY-Buffalo


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I am an international applicant. I completed MA in English in Taiwan, with special interest in Irish Literature.

My only two offers are MA program in Irish and Irish-American Studies at NYU, and PhD program in English at SUNY-Buffalo. And I am torn.


I already had a MA degree, so it seems reasonable to choose SUNY-Buffalo over NYU, but there is absolutely no funding from Bafflo. And I had only enough personal funding to support myself for two years, which would cover MA study but not PhD study.


Both institutions are good fit (NYU is extremely good fit). NYU is such a reputable institution, if I were to take their offer, my goal is to make myself a stronger applicant for the PhD program and scholarship when I completed my degree there. So my concern is whether or not I should spend another year and a half doing second MA. Please advise!


MA in Irish and Irish-American Studies at NYU

pros: very good fit. very reputable institution. possibility to make myself a stronger applicant next year for PhD program. I have enough personal funding for MA study

cons: I already got a MA. I have to go through the excruciating PhD application again, and god knows how it would turn out.


PhD in Enligh at SUNY-Buffalo

pros: good fit. it's a phd program. phd student might have better chance to get funding than MA students.

cons: not enough funding. not as reputable as NYU (am I being snobbish?)


I appreciate any advice : )


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Don't do a PhD without funding.  So I think you should turn down the Buffalo offer altogether.

But if you already have an MA in English with a focus on Irish literature, why earn another one?  Unless you think you'll be unable to get in anywhere next year without another MA, I would decline both and just try again next year.

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Thanks for your advice : )


Based on the applications results this year, I know I am not a very strong applicants. I cannot get a funded offer anywhere. And that's why I am considering doing a second MA at NYU, hoping that would boost my strength next year. But still, I am not sure if it's worthwhile...

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As an international applicant, a masters in the U.S. would likely be helpful to you -- ONLY IF it isn't a financial burden. (This is a BIG if! An unfunded MA at NYU will be incredibly expensive!)


I'm just curious -- how did you get interested in Irish lit?

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Hello, hj2012. Thank you for your reply.


I chcked the tuition fees of NYU, and that is horrifylingly expensive. And the living expenses are also very high in New York City. So I don't think I can afford to go. Otherwise, I really do think that getting a MA degree at NYU will really help my application to PhD program in the future.


As for your question. I am interested in Irish Literature because of its history. I am especially interested in the mid-twentieth century history of Ireland, when the nation began its modenizing project that would finally lead to its economic miracle (Celtic Tiger phenomenon) in the 1990s. My current research topic is an examination of how contemporary Irish writers re-assess the modernizing values after the disillusionment of the economic boom in the 2000s.


Thank you again for your reponse : )

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Wow, your research interests sound really interesting! :)

Have you considered applying to MA programs in the UK? I imagine that there must be strong schools in your area of interest, and the fact that the MA is only one year will make it more affordable (though I hear funding is still hard to come by.) And yes, I agree, NYU is ridiculously expensive.

Anyway, just wanted to wish you luck! Don't be discouraged, as many great applicants don't do too well their first time around. Best wishes :)

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Dear hj2012, thank you for your encouragement.


I did actually apply to some universities in Ireland last year, and I was offered a placed in the PhD program in English at University College Cork. But they didn't offer enough funding. So that's why I turned to the US in hope of getting more funding opportunities. But to my disappointment, I didn't get any so far. So I can only hope I have better luck next year.


Thanks :)

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