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Fall 2015 Applicant Thread


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With the exception of your quantitative score,which is really really low, you sounds line a decent applicant. Do you know what the average GRE scores are for the schools you're applying to? If you are currently writing manuscripts, or if they're under review, make sure to mention that in the personal statement where you discuss your research experience and the projects you've run to date.if you have stellar refrances, good fit and a good statement, I don't see why you wouldn't be competitive.

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So that's the interesting part, raw score wise i'm one point below the average at Duquesne (162,151, 5), and above for the others. 


Thank you, it's a process that's new a bit foreign to me as before starting my MS i've been out of academia for a bit.  I posted today after reading another person in the forum's experience with Duquesne and how exclusive they are.  One applicant has applied three times (which is odd considering the program states that an applicant can only re-apply once), and they have roughly 100 people applying for seven spots.  They also don't ask for a statement, they ask for an essay in response to specific questions relating to human sciences and phenomenology, which thankfully I can incorporate the research i've done into...


*sigh*  Hooray for more stress!

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Where's everyone at in the process? I'm currently at the 'everything easy is done and now it's time to edit and perfect' portion. I have a basic SOP that is not yet edited or tailored to each school, I have a writing sample that I would like to further edit, I've asked all of my recommenders who have accepted, I have each application filled out but certainly need to check over everything, and I've sent all my GRE scores and transcripts but want to contact each school to make sure they're all in the appropriate locations with the appropriate name (I've legally changed my name and some transcripts don't reflect this).


And I'm giving myself the deadline of next week to finish. 


I'm at a "November is looking a lot closer than expected time to panic" portion. I asked all my recommenders and, hopefully, that's settled. I just have to drop by one of their offices this morning and leave a copy of my SOP/CV. I have a rough draft SOP for each school with a December deadline (masters are later so I'm not as concerned about those at the moment). My goal is to fill out and send applications next week, followed by GRE scores and transcripts.



Does it pay to apply to more programs? I know the vast majority of people apply to 10 or more places, especially for clinical.


The way I see it, if you're competitive for those programs and they're all a potential good fit, then it could give you more chances to be admitted.

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So unfortunately for me i'm a bit geographically limited.  My husband and I bought a house in the Pittsburgh area and we'd rather not move right now.  I understand that should an amazing internship happen we'll go, but right now we're a bit stuck...  Also, from all of the programs i've looked at, Duquesne has a professor whose research I would really like to work with, and to a lesser extent so does Chatham and IUP.  it also helps that i'm currently at Chatham and i'm aware of at least one professor who had discussed future grants regarding what i'm hoping to research with me when I brought up that I may apply there.


I am with you on the "November is looking a lot closer than expected" panicking.  I'm sure it'll work out!

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I'm currently in a Master's program and have three research projects being sent for review pretty soon.  What is the general consensus of an applicant with a Master's degree?   Is it seen as an advantage or are they going to look at my undergraduate work like everyone else?



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I'm also in the "wow, November is coming up quickly" panic. I've already requested my fee waivers since it's good to do that early. I took the GRE once but I'm currently studying for round two. My professors are helping me polish off my first SOP, then I have 9 more to do. I also have to request transcripts. Wow, lots to do. Plus filling out the applications themselves takes forever. I wouldn't be so behind if I wasn't studying so much for the GRE!


Edit: totally forgot to mention that one of my LOR writers hasn't replied to any of my three emails (said yes to writing a few months ago in-person). It's not quite as difficult to get in touch with her grad student, but almost. Agh :(

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Where's everyone at in the process? I'm currently at the 'everything easy is done and now it's time to edit and perfect' portion. I have a basic SOP that is not yet edited or tailored to each school, I have a writing sample that I would like to further edit, I've asked all of my recommenders who have accepted, I have each application filled out but certainly need to check over everything, and I've sent all my GRE scores and transcripts but want to contact each school to make sure they're all in the appropriate locations with the appropriate name (I've legally changed my name and some transcripts don't reflect this).


And I'm giving myself the deadline of next week to finish. 


Applying to Masters I/O Programs


Recommenders have all accepted. 

Done my GRE and narrowed my list of schools to 7.

Working on my SOP and hope to have it done this weekend to send to some profs to look over.

I still need to write my CV though - guess that's one thing that also needs to be done before November.


That being said, i'm hoping i can get some help on my list of schools: I want to narrow down my list of 7 schools to 6. 4 i'm very interested in, which leaves 2 spots for the other 3: 


They are: 


Florida Institute of Technology (Florida Tech)

Missouri State University

University of Tulsa


More specifically, I was wondering which of these do any of you know offer the best funding? I'm from Canada and so would count as an international student and I'm concerned about being able to afford going to these schools.


Thanks for all your help!

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Hey guys--


I posted this in the forum for LORs, but haven't received any replies.. maybe someone is alive in this group lol ;)

To quote myself: 

I interned under the supervision of a clinical psychologist almost 2 and a half years ago. When finishing up my internship, we discussed the topic of a LOR. I have since stayed in touch with him via email, sending him a few updates here and there about where I am currently working, my graduate school plans etc. Last Christmas, I wished him a happy holiday and reminded him I would be reaching out in the coming fall for some LORs, so he should expect to hear from me then. He acknowledged with a reply, and thats the last I have heard from him! I sent out my first round of emails to my LOR writers in late September. It has now been four weeks and all have replied except for him. However, the online application generated an automatic email alerting him of the request for a LOR with a confirmation link to access the application site. On my end, I am able to see that he has accessed at least one of these links. I guess its safe to assume he received the emails and is still able to commit to writing these letters, but a simple reply to my email would also be nice! I understand his schedule may be too hectic to reply, but it also makes me wonder if he still has the time to even write a LOR... I sent him a followup email two weeks ago while I was editing my SOP and mentioned I was including a paragraph on my internship experience. I asked if he needed any assistance in developing the letters since it has been some time since we worked together.. no reply... he had previously given me his cell # one day when I was going to be in his office while he was not in, but we have never corresponded via cell. I don't feel comfortable leaving him a voice mail on his office line, which is really for prospective patients and current patients. I think as of mid November, if I still haven't heard, I will give him a call. I gave all my LOR writers a deadline of mid December, prior to the holidays. I don't really have a back up person to ask. I mean I do, but if I ask another person, their letter wont be as compelling, given my experience with the person described above. What should I do?

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Hey guys--


I posted this in the forum for LORs, but haven't received any replies.. maybe someone is alive in this group lol ;)

To quote myself: 

I interned under the supervision of a clinical psychologist almost 2 and a half years ago. When finishing up my internship, we discussed the topic of a LOR. I have since stayed in touch with him via email, sending him a few updates here and there about where I am currently working, my graduate school plans etc. Last Christmas, I wished him a happy holiday and reminded him I would be reaching out in the coming fall for some LORs, so he should expect to hear from me then. He acknowledged with a reply, and thats the last I have heard from him! I sent out my first round of emails to my LOR writers in late September. It has now been four weeks and all have replied except for him. However, the online application generated an automatic email alerting him of the request for a LOR with a confirmation link to access the application site. On my end, I am able to see that he has accessed at least one of these links. I guess its safe to assume he received the emails and is still able to commit to writing these letters, but a simple reply to my email would also be nice! I understand his schedule may be too hectic to reply, but it also makes me wonder if he still has the time to even write a LOR... I sent him a followup email two weeks ago while I was editing my SOP and mentioned I was including a paragraph on my internship experience. I asked if he needed any assistance in developing the letters since it has been some time since we worked together.. no reply... he had previously given me his cell # one day when I was going to be in his office while he was not in, but we have never corresponded via cell. I don't feel comfortable leaving him a voice mail on his office line, which is really for prospective patients and current patients. I think as of mid November, if I still haven't heard, I will give him a call. I gave all my LOR writers a deadline of mid December, prior to the holidays. I don't really have a back up person to ask. I mean I do, but if I ask another person, their letter wont be as compelling, given my experience with the person described above. What should I do?


I had a semi-similar situation pop up too. What I did was send him a follow up email saying something along the lines of "I know you're really busy so if it is helpful, I am happy to draft a letter for you to edit in any way you like". People are always reluctant about more work; if you give him an easier way through, he is more likely to respond. My recommender responded within a few hours of me sending this email! - he agreed and sounded pretty relieved.


Good luck! :)

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I had a semi-similar situation pop up too. What I did was send him a follow up email saying something along the lines of "I know you're really busy so if it is helpful, I am happy to draft a letter for you to edit in any way you like". People are always reluctant about more work; if you give him an easier way through, he is more likely to respond. My recommender responded within a few hours of me sending this email! - he agreed and sounded pretty relieved.


Good luck! :)


Thanks! I did do that two weeks ago.. I mentioned I would be happy to draft something since it had been a few years since we worked together. You're LOR writer seems more reachable than mine. I will give it another two weeks... 

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Just found out the my top POI on my entire list is no longer taking students. He said that could change, but he doubts it will. There are other faculty in that program I match with enough so I"m still applying.


Should I still mention this POI in my SOP? I really like his research and my SOP is quite tailored towards those topics. An adcom might think I'm clueless if I don't mention him, but if I do, and he's not taking students, does that look bad?

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Just found out the my top POI on my entire list is no longer taking students. He said that could change, but he doubts it will. There are other faculty in that program I match with enough so I"m still applying.


Should I still mention this POI in my SOP? I really like his research and my SOP is quite tailored towards those topics. An adcom might think I'm clueless if I don't mention him, but if I do, and he's not taking students, does that look bad?

You can't mention other faculty member(s) that match pretty close to your interests in that program?

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You can't mention other faculty member(s) that match pretty close to your interests in that program?


I can, and I did, but leaving the top one out would feel really odd because he's obviously a closer match. Basically, there are about three closely overlapping topics I'm interested in, and three corresponding professors. I'm mostly interested in Professor X, topic X, so I emphasized it the most in the SOP. I also talked about Y and Z, but not as much because they're my second and third choices. So should I re-do my SOP and leave out the X stuff? Or keep that stuff, and still mention Professor X?  :unsure:

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I can, and I did, but leaving the top one out would feel really odd because he's obviously a closer match. Basically, there are about three closely overlapping topics I'm interested in, and three corresponding professors. I'm mostly interested in Professor X, topic X, so I emphasized it the most in the SOP. I also talked about Y and Z, but not as much because they're my second and third choices. So should I re-do my SOP and leave out the X stuff? Or keep that stuff, and still mention Professor X?  :unsure:

But since you've contacted this professor and he's not taking in graduate students (I assume that that the adcom might know this as well) I think it wouldn't be appropriate to put him in your SOP. I also don't think they will necessarily toss out your application for mentioning him. I'm just afraid that it would leave a bad impression. I would personally tailor to interests Y and Z and not mention X at all. I'm doing that for my applications for UBC and uWaterloo because I have talked with faculty that have similar interests and are taking in students but not as exact as the one at U of T.

Other people can chime in on this issue, too.

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But since you've contacted this professor and he's not taking in graduate students (I assume that that the adcom might know this as well) I think it wouldn't be appropriate to put him in your SOP. I also don't think they will necessarily toss out your application for mentioning him. I'm just afraid that it would leave a bad impression. I would personally tailor to interests Y and Z and not mention X at all. I'm doing that for my applications for UBC and uWaterloo because I have talked with faculty that have similar interests and are taking in students but not as exact as the one at U of T.

Other people can chime in on this issue, too.

Thanks, good ideas there. I just checked the website of this program. When I was first in contact with professor X, there was nothing about new students in 2015 on the website. Now, professor X's page says he is taking students, professor Y says he isn't, and professor Z indicated a brand new research direction that I have no interest in. Guess this can't be my top choice anymore. But I do find it strange that the website says X is taking students. If I had never emailed him, I would be getting my hopes up for nothing.

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Thanks, good ideas there. I just checked the website of this program. When I was first in contact with professor X, there was nothing about new students in 2015 on the website. Now, professor X's page says he is taking students, professor Y says he isn't, and professor Z indicated a brand new research direction that I have no interest in. Guess this can't be my top choice anymore. But I do find it strange that the website says X is taking students. If I had never emailed him, I would be getting my hopes up for nothing.

It is odd indeed. If you want to inquire to professor X the discrepancy on the website, I would do it. Then again, I'm quite used to being upfront with professors.

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It is odd indeed. If you want to inquire to professor X the discrepancy on the website, I would do it. Then again, I'm quite used to being upfront with professors.


Haha yeah, I probably won't ask. He did say, "this could change, but I doubt it" so maybe he wants to at least have the option of picking a student if those circumstances do change.


It stinks not having this program at the top of my list anymore just because of professors' labs being full. The program itself is so awesome and it was my favorite location, too.

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Haha yeah, I probably won't ask. He did say, "this could change, but I doubt it" so maybe he wants to at least have the option of picking a student if those circumstances do change.


It stinks not having this program at the top of my list anymore just because of professors' labs being full. The program itself is so awesome and it was my favorite location, too.

I feel you. About 80% of the POIs that I've contacted have full labs or have some other circumstance that does not allow them to take me in. I've learned to be more flexible for my Master's and have one ideal PhD program to aim for. The process of applying is a learning experience in itself.

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Haha yeah, I probably won't ask. He did say, "this could change, but I doubt it" so maybe he wants to at least have the option of picking a student if those circumstances do change.


It stinks not having this program at the top of my list anymore just because of professors' labs being full. The program itself is so awesome and it was my favorite location, too.

If it would be worth going there EVEN without that professor, maybe you rewrite your SOP for whoever IS accepting students. You could maybe mention specifically a desire to collaborate with that professor, even if he wouldn't be your primary advisor, and the other professor as your primary and why.

I had a professor this year tell me she wasn't sure if she'd take a student or not. It will be based purely on whether there is an applicant who is so perfect for the lab that she can't say no. No pressure there.

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Thanks very much Dedi and shana!


Also, the fact that it's November is freaking me out. I have to submit an application in 23 days to utilize my fee waiver, and my hard deadlines for many others are Dec 1. Ahhh, I'm not ready! :(

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I'm so not ready either, especially because my school gives us a week off for Thanksgiving and I'm going away most of the week before. I'm also way overthinking the applications that are asking for unofficial transcripts. One of them wants a "scanned copy of the official transcripts" and wants it "scanned at a maximum 300 dpi." Does anyone know what that means and how I can find out if my printer is capable of that? I have a copy of my official transcripts but I don't want to open it unless I'm sure I'm doing it right.

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I'm so not ready either, especially because my school gives us a week off for Thanksgiving and I'm going away most of the week before. I'm also way overthinking the applications that are asking for unofficial transcripts. One of them wants a "scanned copy of the official transcripts" and wants it "scanned at a maximum 300 dpi." Does anyone know what that means and how I can find out if my printer is capable of that? I have a copy of my official transcripts but I don't want to open it unless I'm sure I'm doing it right.


I am confused as well. I ordered my official transcript and asked for a digital copy so I wouldn't have to print, scan, and shrink. It's really weird and I'm not sure if it'll pass for "official". They use something called SCRIP-SAFE. Apparently it can be validated on their website but it still looks extremely weird.


I know the dpi is dots per inch, and that it has to do with the quality and maybe the size. Aside from that, I'm not sure. I would scan it then look at the properties of the document to view its dpi. Hopefully someone who knows a little more about this can help, too

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I am confused as well. I ordered my official transcript and asked for a digital copy so I wouldn't have to print, scan, and shrink. It's really weird and I'm not sure if it'll pass for "official". They use something called SCRIP-SAFE. Apparently it can be validated on their website but it still looks extremely weird.


I know the dpi is dots per inch, and that it has to do with the quality and maybe the size. Aside from that, I'm not sure. I would scan it then look at the properties of the document to view its dpi. Hopefully someone who knows a little more about this can help, too


Yeah the dpi is just the resolution of the scan. You can scan your transcript yourself and see if it uploads to the application - if the resolution is too high it will tell you. At that point you can either use Adobe to save it in a lower resolution or use a free online service to "convert it" to a lower resolution. You can find this through a quick Google search :) I did this myself and didn't have any issues.

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