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East Asian Studies 2015

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haha i was surprised too! the prof said he couldn't reach my phone. that's because i didn't realize that i needed to watch out for phone calls from grad schools in early January lol

it was an interview. the prof said he really wants me and will fight for my case. it's for PhD I think Upenn needs to compete with top schools like Harvard and Columbia for the best students so they try to make decisions early. apparently they sometimes finish accepting people by end of January!

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Hey all! Long time lurker, first time poster. I'm applying to PhD programs (in EALC and/or film & media studies) while finishing up my MA at Harvard's RSEA. Let me know if you have any questions about that program. They offer pretty decent funding and I've enjoyed it; graduates also have a very good acceptance rate for PhD programs, if they decide to go on. Application transfers from PhD to MA are pretty common, ashlee_liu31! Still, if you get into a competitive PhD program (UPenn certainly is!), that's probably a better route rather than doing MA and reapplying during. 


As for me: I work on Japanese media and gender/sexuality. I got my first PhD acceptance last week from University of Southern California (EALC) and I'm SO EXCITED. I'm still waiting for other schools and I'm not sure about going to the West Coast (all my family is on the East Coast) but it's a great program and the professor I would be working with is FABULOUS, I was a little starstruck when he emailed. I also interviewed with a Yale professor and was told their PhD acceptances would be earlier than other schools, so I'm guessing first half of February, if you are waiting/looking forward to that.


It's a relief to have one really great option! My ego might be a bit bruised if I don't get accepted anywhere else, but I would definitely be pleased with USC! It's a little stressful though since most of my friends in the MA program are also applying and they haven't started to hear back yet -- I don't want to stress them out by saying I've heard already! so I've only mentioned it to my two closest friends in my cohort. Academic competition life...  


Best of luck to everyone! Glad there's a little Asian Studies group on TGC. 

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oh nice to hear that you are from Harvard RSEA and they do give funding! it will be impossible to afford without funding. I want as many options as possible at this point so i hope RSEA accepts me. maybe you can tell me more about it if I do get accepted =) do you know when one can expect to hear from them? i haven't gotten any interview or email from schools other than UPenn yet so I am getting worried

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Hi saezutte! Welcome to the thread and a big congrats on USC! It's a great program and any contact from one of the Lippits is good news ;)


Just as a heads up--to saezutte or anyone else wondering: I got an acceptance from Yale this afternoon via POI and DGS. It doesn't sound like all acceptances have gone out yet and there is definitely a wait-list. So if you didn't hear back today, don't freak out! There's still plenty of time for good news!

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Congrats saezutte on USC! 


I'm in the History department in USC, working on premodern Japan, but I'm in EALC all the time (TAed over there last semester, take a bunch of classes there, and am friends with most of the current grad students.) If you have any questions about the program, or moving to LA from the east coast, please let me know! 


For everyone else- good luck as you wait on news! It's early yet; stay positive! :D

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Another long-time lurker here---I've been mostly active on the Lit forum as my interests are in modern comparative literatures. I've applied to mostly Asian Studies programs and a few comp lit programs as well. 


Congrats to yytk and saezutte on your acceptances! I've got an interview with Michigan later on this week, but otherwise no news. So looking forward for this waiting period to be over!!!

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I didn't apply to some of the big name schools, so I could be missing some info, but the only program that comes to mind that requires interviews is Princeton. I was there last week and I can say that it was a proper interview. Definitely not a "visit."


My impression is that other programs interview some candidates--Yale for example this year--while the majority do not do interviews at all. The results page for each program should give you a good idea of what is standard.

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Only one I know of that requires is Princeton. (Which I went through a few years ago; very intense process.) I can't think of others that require it. 

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How did the interview go? Did it feel like an interview or more like a pitch/visit? Did you get the impression that they were interviewing all the potential candidates for this year?


I heard from my POI at Berkeley that I would be accepted and I'm waiting on an official email from the department and grad school on the results of a fellowship nomination. I feel like more people will be hearing from them in a few days as they get funding lined up for all the students in different fields.

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It was pretty tough, and intense! It was definitely a formal interview with the professors using most of the hour asking questions about my writing sample and about the research I proposed to undertake in my SOP. I didn't get the sense that they were doing this for everyone; I think the interview in my case was to see whether I had the requisite training and knowledge in literature (I'm a non-trad applicant---my BA is in EAS but my focus was on history, then I went to law school and worked for five years before applying) and where I fell along the national lit/comp lit divide.


Congrats on Berkeley! Hoping to hear some news myself now that we're in February. 

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It sounds like you had a good grasp of what they wanted out of the interview, which means you probably did great. In the case of Michigan, I imagine the law degree is a big plus. CJS graduates students with dual MA/JDs. I met one grad who incorporates law extensively in her literary research and it sounds absolutely fascinating. Best of luck with your results!

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You mean Yale PhD right?

I applied to Yale M.A. Do you know if ,M.A. offers are being sent out too?


I applied to the Yale M.A. in East Asian Studies last year and heard back either the last couple days of Feb. or the first couple days of March, can't remember exactly. 

I was not admitted, but did get accepted at Georgetown University for my M.A. in Asian Studies and am really liking the program.


Good luck to all, and congrats on UPenn btw! 

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UCLA decisions are out you guys! My first acceptance of the season. Very excited as they are one of my top choices!




have you received an official acceptance/letter? do you by any chance know whether or not they had already contacted all the admitted students and when they'll notify the rest of the applicants?


thanks & congratulation!


p.s. i pressed the red arrow by accident--thought it was a reply button for a sec--and can't seem to undo it. sorry!

Edited by kinderbueno90
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