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Hey all. Like everyone else on here, I'm looking for some advice.

Until this last week, I was set on going to IRPS in the fall, but on Monday I was admitted to SIPA off of their waitlist. Considering the price difference (~$120K/2 years at SIPA v. ~$88K/2 years at IRPS), where would I be better off getting my massive debt from? I haven't been offered money by either program, and I'm looking to focus on economic development, wherever I study.

Thanks for the thoughts.

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Economic development in SE Asia is my plan.

Then UCSD IR/PS probably, but I'm not in your field and am slightly biased since I go to and like the place. (UCSD, not IR/PS) But I know we're really good if pacific rim is something you're interested in.

Then again, Columbia. But $30k better in UCSD's strength area? I doubt it.

Ask one of your professors.

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If you're 100% sure you're doing something in Asia IR/PS is the way to go with no funding at either school. You're not going to get much if any additional value out of SIPA's name/rep if you're focusing on the Pacific rim, certainly not ~$35k's worth. Econ dev. doesn't tend to pay too well either; that extra ~$35k in debt is not going to paid off easily. I also think you're overestimating living expenses in SD by $5-10k, and I lived there for a year and a half. Finally, if you want to live/work anywhere in SoCal UCSD's name (and certainly their alumni connections) seems to go further than Columbia's, believe it or not. I'm sure that changes the further east you go though...

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Hi twig,

Congrats on being accepted to two wonderful programs. That being said, if I were in your shoes I would definitely go for UCSD's IR/PS program, even if the costs were the same. With the added variable of UCSD being less expensive, and with the specific interest within the field you mentioned, IR/PS all the way. Plus, San Diego's climate is incredible! Of course, NYC and Columbia have a lot going on, so I'm sure you'd be very happy with either program. Win win dilemma you face^_^

Good luck!

So what kind of profile do you have to be blessed with these two sweet offers?!?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the replies, all. Very much appreciated to hear thoughts from each of you who have more experience with the cities/fields than myself. SIPA has given me until this Friday to put down a deposit, so time is definitely on my mind.

As was pointed out, it's a question of which school offers the better value. I'm unsure if economic development in Asia is where my heart lies or if economic development in general is the most interesting route, which is really the crux of my dilemma. SIPA would carry me farther outside of Asia, but IR/PS obviously has the regional edge.


My background isn't incredible by any means, but it's done me all right with getting into programs.

My undergrad was done at a small, private college in IL w/a biology major (GPA 3.26). After I graduated, I lived/worked in Japan through the JET program as an English teacher at a part-time high school for "troubled kids" for 3 years. Learned Japanese, enlightened young minds. Since I've come back, I've been working at a university and have taken a few econ classes. My GRE came in at 1340 (740Q, 600V), and I've had a random, but pretty consistent, spattering of volunteer work with non-profits and political campaigns throughout.

I applied to 3 IR schools (SIPA, UCSD, and Washington U's Jackson School of International Studies) and got into the two I'm stuck between. UCSD was the last of the 3 I applied to (SIPA, the first) and since I thought my applications/statements of purpose got stronger as I went through them, I was really stoked/surprised to hear I got into SIPA when I did.

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