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Deciding where to apply??


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For the best result, determine what is most important to you. Below are a list of suggested criterion for search parameters (in no particular order of course):

1. Your specific fit into the department (professors, lab groups, research focus)

2. Strength of funding vs. cost of living (don't forget that $10000 in a smaller town with a leading university can go as far as $20000 in a major metro)

3. What do the departments look for in their successful candidates (research experience; publications; top GRE scores (some schools really do care about this); recommendations from professors they know or know of. Each school and department looks for different things; ASK ASK ASK!

4. Professional placement rate: don't forget that the point of getting an advanced degree is to get a job, so don't apply to schools that do not place successfully. On that point, don't assume that the more expensive a school is, the better they place. Do your research on who places how well (start at www.PhDs.org for a broad picture).

For all of this information, check out the website and then be sure to make contact with the people of the department. Professors are helpful, but the most candid opinions will come from students.

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