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Wrong School on SOP


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Worst mistake ever. I wrote the wrong school name on my SOP (in the beginning, but wrote the right one at the end). But I still got the interview. Should I stop worrying about it, or bring it to the office's attention and try to swap it even though it's two weeks past the deadline)? Specifically, since I got through the application screening and got the interview, will this error affect me in the long run? Super anxious. 

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I would try to get it swapped, the worst thing that will happen is they will say no. If you can't get it swapped I don't think it's a huge deal.. I mean you still got the interview: ) Can I ask what school? 

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I would try to get it swapped, the worst thing that will happen is they will say no. If you can't get it swapped I don't think it's a huge deal.. I mean you still got the interview: ) Can I ask what school? 


My expected worst thing was that I would call attention to the mistake (if they had SOMEHOW I HAVE NO IDEA HOW missed it). I got the interview, but I don't want this dumbest mistake ever to be the deciding factor for actually getting admitted. I can message you the school!

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I guess you're taking a 'risk' either way. I highly doubt this will play any role in deciding your admittance though! And yes please PM me the school. I basically stalk this site everyday and it results in me getting anxiety when I see people already have interviews.. Just want to ease my suffering and hopefully it's not a school I applied to!

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Personally, I'd be afraid of drawing their attention to it... but ultimately it's up to you.


I agree, now that you have an interview I would let it go. It obviously didn't affect their decision enough to not extend an invite, and drawing attention to it could make them go back and re-evaluate your application. 

Edited by gradchaser
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So, not only did I write the wrong university name, I also have a paragraph repeat itself................................ I have no idea how I got this interview. I think I accidentally uploaded a rough edited version, because I do have an everything correct version in my folders. New question. With these horrifying discoveries, should I still leave it as it is and hope for the best?


MORE SPECIFIC QUESTION: Since the professors got through reading SOPs to extend the interviews, do they not go back to them after?

Edited by ahffk
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I agree that it shouldn't matter that much and it's highly possible that already saw it but still chose to interview you. I made two silly typos as well..... and beat myself up for a couple days..... Try to convince yourself "It's better to get rid of that guilty feeling and focus on preparing..."

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I made the same mistake, except I wrote the wrong name of the university right at the end of my SOP. It was so awk, cuz I was already in contact with the administrative secretary at the school due to another matter with one of my recommenders, so I had to bug her about this too. She was nice about it, and I noticed the mistake before the deadline, but goodness gracious, I was mortified. I hope it got changed!

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