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Fall 2015 SAIS Early Notification

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I haven't received an e-mail either, unfortunately.

Going to call first thing tomorrow, hoping they're open. Would be really upsetting if something went wrong after all the effort of getting it in on time for the early deadline. Hopefully just an email glitch or something.

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What did people's confirmation emails say after they submitted their apps? Mine said I wouldn't hear back till March so I called to clarify and they assured me I would hear back by Dec 30. I thought that was strange though and beginning to wonder now...

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@Maplesyrup, my first confirmation email said that too, but that same day I received a second, corrected email that said I'd hear by Dec 30th (and I did). So I think that's what everyone heard, and unrelated to your not hearing yet. Hope that helps.

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For those who haven't received their results, it might be possible that they did not put you into the early notification pool...I had thought I was being considered in the early round, but I checked with the admission staff in early December and they said they didn't receive my transcript. It later turned out that the transcript had somehow been mailed to their office yet they did not put it into my file. I very much hoped to receive admission result earlier so I argued my case with them. I think SAIS is not doing a very good job in helping the applicants to check with what they are missing, and neither do they have a tracking system online. 


P.S.  Although they finally agreed to put me into the early pool, I am deferred to regular decision. :(  Anyone the same?

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For those who haven't received their results, it might be possible that they did not put you into the early notification pool...I had thought I was being considered in the early round, but I checked with the admission staff in early December and they said they didn't receive my transcript. It later turned out that the transcript had somehow been mailed to their office yet they did not put it into my file. I very much hoped to receive admission result earlier so I argued my case with them. I think SAIS is not doing a very good job in helping the applicants to check with what they are missing, and neither do they have a tracking system online.

P.S. Although they finally agreed to put me into the early pool, I am deferred to regular decision. :( Anyone the same?

That's very disappointing, especially because they told me earlier that we would be notified if anything was missing from the our files, but it sounds like you had to call to find out. I haven't received any response from them since Dec. 30 when I failed to get any decision notification so I plan to try again today. Really disorganized and inconsiderate of everyone who put in the time and effort to make the early deadline. I think this is the first year they had the option so maybe they're still working out the kinks.

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Can anyone confirm that there was in fact an "early notification" option on the application that people checked off or selected when applying? I see no such question on the application now or on the pdf copy, but they are saying only those who selected it were informed.

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Can anyone confirm that there was in fact an "early notification" option on the application that people checked off or selected when applying? I see no such question on the application now or on the pdf copy, but they are saying only those who selected it were informed.


Under Application for Admission -> Program and Campus:


To which of the following degree programs are you applying? *

You have a few options in the drop down menu, two of which are: MA & MA Early Notification


When I submitted my application in November, I selected MA Early Notification and it is reflected on my PDF copy. In mid-November I received an email notifying me that my MA application was complete and I'd receive a response by mid-March. I then received a follow-up email letting me know my application decision would be completed by December 30th since I selected Early Notification. They're still working out kinks, I guess.


I got a response on the 30th. If you haven't gotten one, perhaps you didn't select the Early Notification or your application is incomplete?

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Although my transcript arrived on November 5th, I am worried the same thing might have happened to my application as nss302. I emailed them about my completed application (I do not live in the United States so calling isn't easy for many reasons), and I received this message in response:

Thank you for your inquiry. Due to the high volume of the applications received, we unfortunately cannot provide any information on the status of individual applications at this point. We will be in touch about the status of applications in the coming weeks.


I'm just going to call next week. Hopefully all issues will be resolved, and worst case, I have to wait until March to find out like the rest of my schools. At this point, I think that's what's going to happen. 

Edited by treegirl109
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