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Does no news mean bad news?


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I've noticed on the results section of this website that in the past few days a handful of people received interview invites for programs I'm interested in. Does the fact that I haven't heard from the programs mean that I was probably rejected? It's probably different for every school. I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience with this? Is there a point where, if I haven't heard, that I should email/call the school and inquire about my application? Thanks!

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At this stage in the game, no. Acceptances go out in waves, and waiting list notifications go out after that. It's only when you get to March and April that you haven't heard back that it might be OK to bug the school about it. I was on a waiting list at one school but was never told about it, for instance. I think I actually referenced GradCafe stalking in my email and said something along the lines of "I haven't yet been rejected or accepted but am aware of people that have been. Am I on a waiting list?" and the response was "Yes." 

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I agree with Between Fields that you are not rejected until they reject you. However, I would indeed say that no news generally does mean bad news in the sense that "waitlist" is bad news, as compared to an actual offer. From my experience, every time I have seen people get interview or actual offers on the Results Search, I got my rejection letter 2-3 weeks afterwards.


However, as Between Fields also said, this is still quite early in the game! I would only inquire about my status if it is April and I have still not heard anything at all. Also, keep in mind that if you see only one or two acceptances posted on the Results Search, it might not mean anything since there might be one or two special cases where they made an early decision. For one school, I got my notification a few days later than everyone else because each of the profs thought another prof was going to call me, until someone realised that they had not called yet!


But if you do see a lot of acceptances or interview invites but do not hear anything yourself for a week later, then it is likely that you did not get selected for the first round of interviews (but not all hope is lost yet!).

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Thank you so much everyone! I'm hoping that I'm in a second round of interviews for the program I'm interested in (it's a PhD program that I know has interviews in late Jan/early Feb). Crossing my fingers!

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I'm not sure if this is the right thread but I submitted my application two weeks ago and still haven't heard from the admissions about a decision or an interview. Having said that, it's a dual degree program with different deadlines (one is12/15 and the other is 1/5)


Oh and it's winter break right now, so maybe nothing until 1/2?


Should I be freaking out? (Doesn't matter, I'm already freaking out)

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I'm not sure if this is the right thread but I submitted my application two weeks ago and still haven't heard from the admissions about a decision or an interview. Having said that, it's a dual degree program with different deadlines (one is12/15 and the other is 1/5)

Oh and it's winter break right now, so maybe nothing until 1/2?

Should I be freaking out? (Doesn't matter, I'm already freaking out)

You kind of have to look at what's normal in your particular field, but I'd say don't freak out. I submitted most applications 12/1, and haven't heard anything from any but one... but according to GradCafe neither has anyone else. Don't worry until LATE January unless you specifically see that interview invitations have been extended for the same school, same program, and same POI. Otherwise, everyone does it at different times.

Don't freak.

Edited by shana.teacher
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You kind of have to look at what's normal in your particular field, but I'd say don't freak out. I submitted most applications 12/1, and haven't heard anything from any but one... but according to GradCafe neither has anyone else. Don't worry until LATE January unless you specifically see that interview invitations have been extended for the same school, same program, and same POI. Otherwise, everyone does it at different times.

Don't freak.


Yeah I think I will do just that, thanks!

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Don't forget that since the holidays are around, most adcoms don't get back until January 5th. So lack of hearing any news can be attributed to the holidays. Pull yourself together and put on your game face because after January 6th, its a whole new ball game! Get ready, it gets scary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Speaking of no news since applying in December, I actually had an interview before I applied for one of the PhD programs (deadline was December 15). It was after I contacted one of the professors whose research interested me, and he wanted to call me for a phone interview to provide an overview of the graduate program, research focus in his lab, when to take comps & quals, etc (he also asked me quite a few questions about my past research experiences and career goals, and seemed happy with my academic background, and said I will be a "great asset" to the program). After applying on December 15th, I notified the professor of my submission, which he then thanked me for keeping him updated. I have not heard anything from him since. I do remember from the interview that this program invites top applicants for a campus visit in February. Perhaps it is still too early to hear back, even though mid-January is approaching...?


Hope everyone is handling this waiting game well! Only if this "game" was fun as playing Mario Kart wii :(

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