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undergrad grades + additional upper credits taken?


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Hi all! Hope everyone's winter is going well.Maybe some of you can give me some generic advice...


I graduated from a state based university with a low gpa (2.3) with a social science major.


I got an awesome job running a global warming campaign office in charge of about 45 people for a year and took it.


During my year out of school I attended Arizona State University Online, and took about 53 credits (the school has 6 terms a year) of classes.  I'm taking a final 7 right now just cuz i like even numbers. 


All the classes were 300+(so upper level) and global health focused. I didn't do degree seeking so I was non degree seeking and was able to leave there with a 3.9 GPA in those upper level classes.


How does SOPHAS handle this? How do grad schools handle it?Will it just be added to my GPA section on sophas that does upper level credits? I wanted to prove I could do A) global health and B) upper level courses successfully, hence why I took the year.


MY GRE is solid upper 70s and my resume is...well packed with experiences. I always was just worried about my grads.

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I have weird undergrad transcripts too because I took pre- and post- bacc classes. SOPHAS averages all of my undergrad credits together. They also show I believe your last 60 and 90 credit averages (though that's off the top of my head). Each school will interpret these differently, and few schools calculate it differently, though, so it does depend on where you're applying to. 

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I'm taking post-bacc classes now, because I took geology for my UG lab science. In the fall I finished bio + lab, tomorrow I start stats and micro + lab. They didn't add any of that into my GPA, because I didn't have any grades. If you have grades and official transcripts before you esubmit, they will calculate it all into your overall UG GPA. You get one UG GPA, one grad GPA, etc. 


Also, A+ on the even number thing. Odds freak me out. I should do epi of my own OCD, but I'd just have a panic attack. 

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