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To address or not to address...

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I failed a major-related survey course when I was a Sophomore at a junior college, because I was unable to finish it.  As a Junior at a university, I retook the course and received an A+, replacing the F in my GPA.   


I cannot decide whether or not I should address this in my SOP.  As it's written now, I discuss my specific area of focus, how I have spent the last two years developing my research skills in this area (research grant, studying abroad, private language lessons, ect...), and what I want to research in graduate school.  At no point do I acknowledge my F, because all of my grades since then have been As or A-s, and it obviously does not reflect my abilities to research in my field.  Plus, who wants to hear excuses?


This approach seems like a gamble, so opinions are appreciated.

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In your situation, I'd be inclined not to give an explanation. Since it's just one bad grade in a sea of good ones, and you've successfully retaken this class, there shouldn't be any concern about your performance as a student, nor your ability to study this material and pass the class. It's clearly a one-time thing that doesn't reflect anything more general.*


* Some applications have space for "is there anything else you want to tell us" type questions. You could add a short one-liner explanation there. "In my sophomore year I had problem X, couldn't finish course Y. In year Z I re-enrolled in the class and received an A." 

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