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the no-paycheck blues..


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So, I'm headed to a great program with an assistantship. However, they're on the quarters system and i won't receive my first paycheck until October 31.

Is it just me or is this a really long time to go without a paycheck??? At my MA institution I didn't get paid until September 15, but we'd get two checks that month (the 15th and the 30th). The first time I moved here I came on Aug 15 and just lasting a MONTH until that first paycheck was rough.

At my new school, they expect me to show up mid-August again for a repeat of TA-training, so I'm going to be there more than 2 months without any income aside from a very small stipend for the TA training.

Geez. I started saving a little, but my last paycheck just came in this past Friday and I'm starting to freak out a bit now. I have a job over the summer, and a free place to stay for 2 months, but the job's not going to pay a whole lot. I'm a bit concerned.

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Oh, I do hear you. I'm an international, I have to quit my job end July to be in the States by mid August. My first stipend kicks in end of September...I guess it will be bread and water till then eh! I have tried to save up a bit since starting a new life won't be easy but when your used to money coming in every moth, it will be quite tough for these few months.

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